INTRODUCTION Mobile devices have obtained a significant role in our life providing a large variety of useful functionalities and features. It is desirable to have an automated adaptation of the behavior of a mobile device depending on a change of user context. In real environments the context continuously changes and therefore it is desirable to support automatic detection of the user’s current context. So there is a need of new approach to determine a mobile user’s context.
EXISTING SYSTEM We have proposed an application which can manage the settings of a mobile device according to predefined conditions. The device configuration space consists of all possible configurations of a given device. To effectively manage this configuration space of a device, profiles are used which are preset configurations combined with a suitable name. CONTEXT: Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and applications themselves.
DESIGN 3 layered architecture. While the availability of a centralized component is essential in the majority of existent distributed content-aware systems, the system tries to avoid this dependency. It distinguishes between a remote and a local context. ContextServer User Adaptor Location Adaptor Time Adaptor Network Adaptor … Adaptor Application Application layer Management layer Adaptor layer
Adaptor layer is responsible for retrieving raw context data by querying sensors. This layer permits a sensor’s concurrent use by different applications. Management layer makes use of the Adaptor layer to gain sensor data and is responsible for providing and retrieving contexts. Context server offers the stored information. Application layer, where the appliance code is implemented to react on specific context changes reported by the context manager.
Context detection service Temperature Location Sound Motion Humidity Pressure Activity Brightness Accelerometer Camera Microphone Clock Radio signals (GPS,UMTS,WLAN) Radio signals (GPS,UMTS,WLAN) Light sensor Compass Calendar Activity list Date and time Brightness User location Movement Sound Near field community Architecture:
The mobile phone must have the following built- in sensors: GPS radio, UMTS radio, and GSM radio: for communication and positioning, microphone for noise detection and voice recording, accelerometer for movement detection, compass for orientation, and camera for brightness detection and image recording. Sensors will sense the context based on varying parameters in the environment like temperature, pressure, sound, location, humidity, brightness. Implementation can be done in java platform
I MPLEMENTATION The remote context is information another device knows about, the local context is knowledge our own device is aware of. When the devices are in physical proximity they are able to exchange these contexts in a peer-to-peer manner via WLAN, Bluetooth, etc. This exchange of context information among client devices is called context sharing. The management of a device’s context consists of its own local context and a set of remote contexts gathered from other devices. Both local and remote context are made up of context objects. The superclass ContextObject is extended by different context types. This approach allows the simple addition of new context types by specialising ContextObject. A context type has to implement the methods to XML() and from XML() from the ContextObject class in order to convert the data from and to a XML stream.
Context ContextObject UserContext TimeContext LocalContextRemoteContex … LocationContext DeviceContext
Object oriented models: Modelling context by using object-oriented techniques offers to use the full power of object orientation like Encapsulation. Reusability. Inheritance. Access the context and the context processing logic is provided by well-defined interfaces.
A DVANTAGES The main benefit of this architecture in comparison to other approaches is that the three layers are located on one device thus making the approach robust against network disconnections. The three layered architecture makes it possible, that all applications have access to all context data by querying the ContextServer. Without this partition each application would have to read the sensors directly.
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