Being ready for sexual activities L.O: To be more confident and comfortable thinking about when is the right time for you to start having sex.
Starter What is the average age a girl in the U.K loses her virginity? What is the average age a boy in the U.K loses his virginity? What is the average number of sexual partners a person in the U.K will have in their life time?
How did you do? What is the average age a girl in the U.K loses her virginity? 16 What is the average age a boy in the U.K loses his virginity? 16 What is the average number of sexual partners a person in the U.K will have in their life time? 5-10 ( this number is increasing)
Task 1 – Consider the following: What pressures do girls face? What pressures do boys face? What advice would you give younger girls about the pressures they may face? What advice would you give younger boys about the pressures they may face? Do you think homosexual teenagers face the same pressures or different pressures?
Task 2: When is the right time to have sex?
Worldwide ages of consent CountryMale – female sexMale- male sexFemale –female sex China14 Cyprus13/1717 France15 Ireland17 Italy14 Nigeria13illegal PakistanMust be marriedillegal Portugal14/16 Spain13 Sweden15 Trinidad and Tobago16illegal United Kingdom16
So what does the age of consent mean? The age of consent is the age when the law says you can agree to have sex. In most countries, until you reach this age you can't legally have sex with anyone, however old they are. Sometimes the law is slightly different when the partners are of a similar age, but there is usually still a minimum age below which sex is always illegal.
The Law on sexual consent in the UK In the UK, consent to any form of sexual activity is 16 for both men and women. An exception to this is sexual activity which occurs between mutually agreed teenagers of a similar age. Children under 13 cannot legally give their consent to any form of sexual activity. There is a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
The law on contraception in the UK Health professionals in the UK may provide contraceptive advice and treatment to young people under 16 if they believe it is in the young person’s best medical interests and they are able to give what is considered to be informed consent.
The law on sexual offence in the UK Rape- a man would commit rape if he intentionally penetrates with his penis the vagina, mouth or anus of another person, male or female, without that person’s consent or if they are under 13. This is the only sexual offence which can only be committed by a man. Sexual assault by penetration – this is if a male or female, intentionally penetrates the vagina or anus of another person with a part of their body or anything else, without their consent. The purpose also has to be sexual. Sexual/Indecent assault - in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, this is if a person intentionally touches sexually another person without their consent. Touching covers all physical contact, whether with a part of the body or anything else, or through clothing.
The law on exposure in the UK Exposure In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is an offence for someone, male or female, to expose their genitals if they intended another person to see them and to be caused alarm or distress. Offences of public indecency or breaching the peace could also apply in the UK, in circumstances such as nude sunbathing or ‘streaking’.
Sexual Activity Definition: activities associated with sexual intercourse e.g. oral sex Teenagers are more likely to engage in oral sex than intercourse, more likely to have more oral sex partners than intercourse partners, and are unlikely to use STI protection during oral sex.
TASK 3 You are to discuss the following four case studies.
Case Study One Zain has been going out with Sophie for six months. They have not had sex and are comfortable with this. However, Zain’s friends are pestering him about whether he has had sex or not. Feeling the pressure, Zain decides he should try to pursue a sexual relationship with Sophie. Discuss what Zain might be thinking. What should he do? Discuss what Sophie might be thinking. What should she do? What advice would you give them?
Case Study Two Zara has been going out with Danyal for three months. They have not had sex and Zara is comfortable with this. Their physical relationship has consisted mainly of kissing. However, one day, Danyal decides and suggests that Zara should meet him in the park to take things further. Zara is not sure about this. She feels anxious and under pressure to agree. Discuss what Danyal might be thinking. What should he do? Discuss what Zara might be thinking. What should she do? What advice would you give them?
Case Study Three Michael has been going out with Rebecca for six months. They have not had sex and are comfortable with this. However, one day, Michael overhears his family discuss that they will be out on the following day. He uses this opportunity to ask Rebecca to visit him at home. He tells her that they can move their relationship forward that day. The following day, Danyal starts to question the plan. He feels guilty about asking Rebecca to his family home for that purpose. He wonders if it would be disrespectful and deceitful. Meanwhile, Rebecca is on her way over to him. Discuss what Michael might be thinking. What should he do? Discuss what Rebecca might be thinking. What should she do? What advice would you give them?
Case Study Four Sabrina and Rob are escorted into school by a police officer. The police officer has caught them engaging in sexual activities in the local park. As such, both pupils are taken to their respective Head’s of House offices. Discuss what the pupils might be thinking. What should they do? Discuss what the police officer might be thinking. What should he/she do? Discuss what the Head’s of House might think. What should they do? What advice would you give them?
Are you ready to engage in sexual activities? Engaging in sexual activities or sex for the first time can be a very special experience, but it can also lead to all sorts of complications. Sex without a condom or other form of contraception can result in pregnancy, HIV or a sexually transmitted infection. There can also be emotional consequences to engaging in sexual activities or sex with someone – it can really change a relationship, and not always for the better. Sex can be enjoyable with the right person, but it’s very easy to make mistakes and end up hurt, which is why people advise you: "don’t do anything sex until you’re ready!"
Are you doing this because YOU want to? Or are you thinking about sexual activities because someone else wants you to? Maybe you’re not sure you’re ready, but your partner is keen? Or perhaps there's a bit of ‘peer pressure’ – all your friends seem to be active, so you feel you should be too? Do any of the following sound familiar? - “You would if you loved me!” “It’s only natural!” “Everyone else is doing it!” “Don’t you want to make our relationship stronger?” “You’ll have to do it sometime – why not now, with me?” “I'll be gentle, and it'll be really great, I promise!” “I'll only put it in for a second...”
Wait..... If you recognise any of these phrases, then you should think carefully! These are not the right reasons to have sex. A partner who says things like this is probably trying to put pressure on you and might not really care whether you’re ready or not – this person doesn’t respect your feelings, and they’re probably not the right person to have sex with.
You definitely shouldn’t have sex just because your friends are saying things like : “You mean you’ve never done it?!?” “I lost it when I was twelve...” “Yeah, I’ve had sex loads of times...” “You’re a virgin, you wouldn’t understand...” “No-one will be interested in you if they hear you’re frigid.” “It's amazing - you don't know what you're missing!”
Your friends.... It may feel like your friends are all more experienced and knowledgeable, but we guarantee they're probably not! Besides, being sexually experienced at a young age doesn’t necessarily make someone mature or sensible - in fact, it usually indicates the opposite.