Physiologists Role as Medical School Curriculum Architects College of Human Medicine Anthony Paganini, Ph.D. Director of Professional Educational Affairs Associate Professor Departments of Physiology and Radiology College of Human Medicine
JOB FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES College of Human Medicine 1) Act as Course Director for 2 semester sequence in physiology, cell biology and histology in Year 1 2) Basic science member of new curriculum design team that is mostly physicians 3) Work with department chairman to optimize and identify faculty, staff and IT resources across three medical colleges at Michigan State (osteopathic, human, veterinary). Our department reports to 5 different deans
JOB FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES College of Human Medicine 4)Regularly meet with medical school academic program leadership to understand their strategic vision and translate that into how our department can play a central curriculum leadership role 5)Intentionally seek out “hallway conversations” with students, academic program staff, and IT staff to understand their frustrations with faculty and administrators. Try to optimize happiness among all these stakeholders, fully recognizing not everyone is going to be happy all the time
CAREER PATH TRAJECTORIES College of Human Medicine 1) Cross-disciplinary work with decent mix of teaching, curriculum development and administrative meetings 2) Long term (>10 years) might entertain the possibility of assistant dean of curriculum if interested and available
SKILL SETS, DEGREES, AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES College of Human Medicine 1) Do not be afraid of change, to continually make yourself useful, to be intellectually fearless in times of curricular change 2) Maintain multidisciplinary interest - broaden out from core discipline into other allied fields (PhD in physiology, then learned gross anatomy, histology, and embryology for Year 1 medical students... recently picking up a few elements of immunology and cellular pathology)... keep reinventing self. Keep evolving like Darwin wants us to. 3) Seek out like minded professionals who accept the need for change and form a critical mass with these folks
EXPECTATIONS AND POTENTIAL OBSTACLES College of Human Medicine 1)Biggest obstacle can be resistance to pedagogical change 2)Even if faculty want to do something new, faculty need TIME and STAFF HELP to retrain in new curricular methods and Ed Tech software 3)Core expectation (and core personal belief system) is that faculty and staff should work together toward a common good for our students and enfranchise all necessary faculty and staff to do so