‘For and Against’ Essays Useful tips
Plan Introduction - Paragraph 1 (state topic – summary of the topic without giving your opinion) Main Body – Paragraph 2 (arguments for) Paragraph 3 (arguments against) Conclusion – Final paragraph (balanced consideration/ opinion)
Introduction We may use any of the following techniques : - a reference to an imaginary scene or situation - addressing the reader directly - a rhetorical question - a quotation
Introduction Comment on the following statement: Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy. What can you say for and against fast food?
Introduction useful language As a general rule… It is popularly believed that… It is often suggested… People often claim that… A lot of people think that… Many people are in favour of…/are convinced that … We all know that… Can you imagine…? Isn’t it amazing…? Have you ever thought of…? Isn’t it strange…? There are both advantages and disadvantages of …
Comment on the following statement: Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy. What can you say for and against fast food?
Main Body To introduce points: The main /most important/greatest advantage of … is that… Another advantage/disadvantage of… A further advantage/disadvantage of… One point of view in favour of/against… The best/worth thing about … is …
Main Body To list points: Beginning ( with ) (начиная), initiall у(изначально, сначала, во-первых) first (в o - nep вы x ), at first (сначала), to start / begin with (для начала), first of all (прежде всего) Continuing (продолжая) secondly (во-вторы x ), after this / that (после того/этого), afterwards (после), then (затем), next (следующий), before this (до, ранее этого) Concluding (завершая): finally (наконец), as last (наконец), in the end (в конце), eventually (в конце концов), lastly (наконец), last but not least (последний по очередности, но не по значению)
Main Body To add more points to the same topic: And (и), both... and (как... так и), not only... but also (не только... но), also / as well (также), too (также, тоже), moreover (более того), in addition to (в дополнение к), furthermore (к тому же, кроме того), not to mention the fact that (не упоминая того факта, что), besides (кроме того)
Main Body To make contrasting points: But (но), not... but (не... но), although (хотя), while (в то же время как), whereas (тогда как, поскольку), despite (вопреки, несмотря на) in spite of the fact that… ( несмотря на тот факт что…), even if (даже если), even though (хотя), nevertheless ( тем не менее) on the one hand — on the other hand (с одной стороны — с другой стороны), in contrast to (в противоположность), however (однако), at the same time (в то же время)
Main Body To introduce examples: As (как), such as (такой как), like (как), for example (например), for instance (например), particularly (в частности), especially (особенно), in particular (в частности) that is to say ( то есть ), specifically ( особенно ), in other words ( другими словами ), to put it another way ( другими словами )
Conclusion Considering (рассматривая), concerning (касающийся), regarding (относительно), In conclusion (в заключение), in summary (в заключение), to sum up (суммируя), as I have said (как уже было сказано), as it was previously stated (как отмечалось ранее), on the whole (в целом), in all ( всего ), all in all ( в конце ), altogether ( вместе ), in short ( вкратце ), briefly ( кратко ), to put it briefly ( говоря вкратце ) All things considered, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages.
Match each argument with its justification (using mobile phones)
Fast food restaurants ForAgainst They are quick and you don’t have to wait The restaurants create litter The food is fairly cheap, especially for young people Rain forests are cut down to provide land for cattle for the fast food industry They are the same everywhere, so you know what to expect The food contains a lot of fat and all is placed in a bun – that is unhealthy The restaurants are usually very clean and the waiters wear special uniform (it’s pleasant to look at them) You don’t really sit down to eat They do their best to attract children, some of them organize parties for children (for busy parents it saves a lot of trouble and time) The food is the same everywhere and you can’t order the dishes which you enjoy most of all