Update on the AAMC Curriculum Inventory Osteopathic School Pilot Terri Cameron, MA, Director, Curriculum Programs Association of American Medical Colleges
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Disclosures I have nothing to disclose…
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Learning Objectives: By attending this session, attendees will be able to: Discuss the benefits of curriculum documentation Describe how keyword and competency mapping are aggregated in the Curriculum Inventory Brainstorm ideas about how the Osteopathic School Curriculum Inventory Reports would be helpful to individual schools and AACOM
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience National database of medical school curricula Currently US and Canadian medical schools Goal is to include: Osteopathic schools (Currently piloting with 3 schools) Other healthcare profession schools GME International healthcare profession schools Streamlined data collection tool Schools upload each summer Utilizes internationally adopted standards Data represents the previous years’ curricula What is the Curriculum Inventory?
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience What is the Curriculum Inventory? Data is uploaded from commercial or school-developed curriculum management system using international data exchange standard No ‘duplicate’ data entry Standardized Vocabulary is used for Instructional and Assessment Methods Program Objectives / Competencies are mapped to Physician Competency Reference Set for aggregation of competency concepts
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Benchmarking Tools: CI Standardized Vocabulary Use local terms for institutional data entry and reporting; match to standardized vocabulary to upload to CIR for aggregate reporting Instructional Methods Assessment Methods Resources Detailed descriptions available at Two versions – one showing changes from 2012 Version; one without mark-up.
Curriculum Inventory Standardized Vocabulary Update Renamed: Exam – Institutionally Developed, Laboratory Practical Renamed
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Benchmarking Tools: Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS) Compared/mapped healthcare profession competency sets to create a set of ‘core’ competencies for aggregate reporting in MedAPS and MedEdPORTAL ACGME (including RRCs) CanMEDS Scottish Doctor Tomorrow’s Doctors Healthcare Professions Specialty Objectives (ABMS, Clerkships) Process and complete list of competencies published in August 2013 Academic Medicine URI available at
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Patient Care Knowledge for Practice Practice-Based Learning and Improvement Interpersonal & Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-Based Practice Interprofessional Collaboration Personal and Professional Development PCRS Competencies:
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Curriculum Inventory Participation Schools120 Schools (82 of 90 retained; 28 new schools) 135 Schools (114 retained; 21 new schools) 9 Schools that participated in either or did not participate in due to changes in curriculum management systems, changes in administration, and/or accreditation preparation US Medical Schools Canadian Medical Schools 555 US Osteopathic Schools (Pilot)n/a 3
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Academic Level Distribution by Length (Month Increments) Academic Level Number of Schools 0_6 Months 7_12 Months 13_18 Months 19_24 Months >24 Months %89%6%1% %86%9%2%1% %72%24%0%1% 490 6%76%14%2% 52 0%100%0% %0% Schools are less likely to report higher academic levels, 90 as opposed to 135, (even excusing the 6 newer schools) and this is looking like a trend (67% of participants provided AL 4 data in 2015, compared to 72% in 2014 and 73% in 2013, and 83% provided AL 3 data, compared with 87% and 88% in 2014, and 2013 respectively).
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Pre-Clerkship Academic Level Average Number of Sequence Blocks Median Number of Sequence Blocks Average Number of Events Median Number of Events We defined Pre-Clerkship as the “ Clerkship Model ” being left as NULL and the academic level as 3 or less. This table does not use the “ Required ” value as a separator.
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Clerkships Academic Level Average Number of Sequence Blocks Median Number of Sequence Blocks Average Number of Events Median Number of Events
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Post-Clerkship Sequence Blocks (Courses) Academic Level Average Number of Sequence Blocks Median Number of Sequence Blocks Average Number of Events Median Number of Events We defined Post-Clerkship as the “ Clerkship Model ” being left as NULL and the academic level as 4 or above. This table does not use the “ Required ” value as a separator. The percent of participants reporting clerkships in each AL has been stable. However, the average number of clerkships reported in Academic Level 4 in particular has been on the rise.
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Accomplishments this year: Increased CI participation by 15 schools (12%). Presented CI to Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP); interest in potential collaboration from most associations; currently in discussions with Osteopathic, Physician Assistant, and Physical Therapy schools. Implemented a pilot of Osteopathic schools. Data analysis for anomalies and potential need for additional data checking / Business Rules occurs weekly. Charts based on CI Data Statistics have been added to
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Accomplishments this year: A report request that produces detailed content reports (see CI Report Sample) has been added to A Curriculum Inventory to Accreditation Data Collection Instrument (DCI) Task Force has been established and meets monthly to identify best ways to query and display CI data for DCI completion. A CI Research Group has been established and will begin meeting monthly (ultimately, quarterly) to review CI data and determine if the appropriate data is being collected for medical education research and to establish a set of research projects based on CI data.
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Why participate in the CI? The Curriculum Inventory is the culmination of a long history of the AAMC collecting information about medical education content, structure, and pedagogy to support: Medical Education Research (medical school faculty and external researchers) Continuous Quality Improvement / Benchmarking Support of Curriculum Committees Reporting on new trends Responding to legislative inquiries or providing data when important issues are being discussed Respond to media inquiries The Curriculum Inventory is only effective when the data represents most, if not all, medical schools. Only participating schools can request detailed Curriculum Inventory Reports
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience How can the CI help my school? Educational research Trends in medical education Benchmarking Tracking competency based education Graphical interpretations of aggregate and historical curriculum-related data All schools By healthcare profession By country / geographical region By level of training (UME / GME)
60+ Reports – Use search feature to find charts. Detailed CI Reports are not included – they are only available to Participating Schools. A list will be posted at the top of this page – send requests to
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Curriculum Inventory Reports Two sources of data: LCME Annual Questionnaire Part II 100% of US Medical Schools Institutional and policy data, as well as ‘overview’ curriculum data Curriculum Inventory 90% of US Medical Schools 18% of Canadian Medical Schools Detailed curriculum data The two sources complement each other
Curriculum Inventory data will augment LCME Annual Questionnaire data with details such as: Number of courses where content is covered (total, mean, median, range) Number of events where content is covered (total, mean, median, range) Instructional and assessment methods used in events where content is covered Resources used in events where content is covered Competencies linked to events and courses where content is covered Eventually….the names of the schools that have uploaded data related to the content Curriculum Inventory Reports
Curriculum Inventory Reports are accessed over 1,250 times per month Accessed over 1,000 times in 2015 Jan 2015Feb 2015Mar 2015Apr 2015May 2015Jun Jul 2015Aug 2015Sep 2015Oct 2015Nov 2015YTD Total
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Drop-down includes ONLY participating schools Options to include data from: All Schools US MD CA MD US DO
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Curriculum Inventory Content Reports
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Reports Requested Jan – March 2016 Adverse Childhood ExperiencesEpidemiologyOrgan System AnatomyEthicsOrthopaedics Behavioral ScienceEBMPain Management BiochemistryGeneticsPathology BiostatisticsGun SafetyPathophysiology Breast ExamHistologyPelvic Exam Cell BiologyImmunologyPharmacology Clinical DiagnosisIPEPhysiatry Clinical SkillsMental HealthPhysical Medicine Communication and EthicsMicrobiologyPhysiology Correctional HealthMindfullnessRadiology DisclosureMusculoskeletalRheumatology Early Clinical ExperienceNeuroscienceSports Medicine Eating DisordersNutritionStandardized/Virtual Patient Elder AbuseOphthalmologySubstance Abuse EmbryologyOpioids
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience CI in Context: February 2016 Use of Resources by US and Canadian Medical Schools Kristi Ferguson, PhD, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Osteopathic School Pilot Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience From Local Data to National Impacts / Outcomes
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience From Local Data to National Impacts / Outcomes
AACOM 2016: A Focus on Resilience Osteopathic School Pilot Goal is at least 10 schools Provides enough data to produce Osteopathic School Benchmarking What is required? Curriculum Management System Upload at least one full year the first year of participation