WE EDUCATE FOR EXCELLENCE... Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to direct their lives and to contribute to society.
Discuss the “for credit” options that are available at LBMS Work on parental understanding and implications of choosing “for credit” classes. Answer questions that parents may have related to the “for credit” classes.
2009/102010/112011/ / / th Reading th Math th Reading th Math th Science P. Index
Math- Algebra I and Honors Geometry Science – Honors Physical Science World Language- Spanish I/French I College Credit PLUS March DIS and LBMS students will take the Algebra aptitude test. LBMS will also take The ITBS test for HPS placement. These courses will impact the student’s high school GPA and class rank.
2 languages –Spanish and French We encourage students to make a two year commitment to the language of their choice. 7 th Grade students-.5 year of World Language (5 times per week 40 minutes per day) 8 th Grade students-.5 year of World Language (5 times per week 40 minutes per day) OR 1 credit full year Spanish/French I
The intent form is due APRIL 1 if you are interested in participating Need to meet the entrance requirements of the college/university. CCP
Academic Readiness vs. Social Readiness Credits earned will transfer to public colleges and universities in OH, may transfer to private institutions in OH and out of state schools Communication with WHS/LBMS may be limited by virtue of not being here full time College level expectations College calendar/breaks may be different DEADLINE TO APPLY IS APRIL 1
Is my student ready? These classes will begin their HS GPA. What are the implications for my student? Which path is best for my student?