MEASUREMENTS Janeth Giron Yanet Renteria Mariaelena Avila Ana Herrera Janeth Rodriguez Flor Olague
Finding the length, height, and weight of an object using units like inches, feet, and pounds. DEFINITION
LEARNING GOALS Rationale Children will have the chance to explore with materials that involve measurements. Social Development Some children will communicate and cooperate with one another to figure out the difference between one item or another. Emotional Development Most of the children might feel excited to learn and explore with the different material given to them
… Cognitive Development Children will learn to measure different sized items in different ways. Physical Development All of the children will use their fine motor skills to cut, glue, measure and grasp different materials throughout the activities.
ACTIVITY 1 Measuring Books Materials Linking cubes and different sized books Procedure Introduction: Begin by introducing the word “measurement” Steps of Activity: Ask the children if they think all books are the same size or if we have different ones. After the children have answered, ask the class how we can figure out the sizes. Next, show the children a few square tiles and demonstrate how they can connect them together, encourage children to try to connect a few square tiles. Continue by asking the children if they think they can measure books with the tiles they have in front of them, once they have answered invite them to get a book so they can measure it themselves End: Finally ask children if they enjoyed measuring the books with the square tiles and if we could have used something different to measure them
ACTIVITY 2 Measuring Straws Materials Straws of different colors Procedure Introduction: Teacher will invite children who want to volunteer to stand in front of class and have the other children decide who is taller and who is shorter. Steps of Activity: First teacher will take two or three straws and cut them into four to five pieces of various sizes. Then set out the straws on a table and have your children take turns placing the straws in order. Have the child find the largest piece of straw and place it at the bottom. Then have them find the next largest and place it on top of the largest piece Continue until the straws are stacked up in order of size. End: Children will go back to sit down in the carpet and teacher will read the book Lengthy by Syd Hoff.
ACTIVITY 3 Shorter and Longer Materials Construction paper in 5 different colors that the teacher will cut into strips 1”x6” long, Scissors, Paper clips, Glue, Sheet of paper for each child Procedure Introduction : At circle teacher will introduce the concept of measuring length and explain the activity to the children Steps of Activity First give each child a piece of paper. The black construction paper is divided into two sections short and long. After each child will receive five different colored strips. Then children will cut each piece into two pieces (that are not equal) and glue each piece onto the appropriate column of the paper of short and long Then have each child measure each strip on both short and long columns with paper clips and ask each child how many paper clips are in each column. End: The children will share their thoughts about learning the difference of long and short and measuring it.
ACTIVITY 4 How Tall I Am Materials Long piece of butcher paper, Yarn, A picture of the child, Tape, Scissors Procedures Introduction: The teacher would introduce the children how to measure themselves with a ball of yarn. Steps of Activity First the teacher will allow the children to measure any object that they would want to measure such as a book, book case, table, etc. Then children will measure each other with the yarn to get their own height After the children are done measuring each other, they will go to the “How tall am I?” chart to tape the piece of yarn with a piece of tape. Once the children are done they will tape their own picture on top of their piece of yarn. End: Children will observe the chart and discuss who is tallest and shortest in the class. Then teacher will ask open ended questions
MODIFICATIONS Individualization Allow the children to try the activity on their own before you help so this way they could have the chance to figure it out on their own. Children learn more when they do the activities hands on. Teacher will guide children one on one to perform measuring activities. If the child does not want to write during the activity he or she could express their learnings verbally. Also the outcome is not important but the produces and the learning they receive. If the child is not interested, change the crops and add material that interests the child. English Language Learners Translate the activity and or instructions in the child's home language so they could be able to participate. There is always a way to communicate with the children. Do not neglect children, but you, as the educators, should find a way to incorporate all the children
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Open Ended Questions 1)How many of each kind do you see? 2)How are these different? 3) How are these the same? 4)when you put the worms next to each other which looks bigger? 5)what can you do different to measure your height 6)How can you tell me how many paper clips are in the long strips? 7) what else can you use to measure these objects? Other Have the children create a group where they could ask and get answers to their questions. Through this method the child will have the chance to learn from others and vs versa. Children learn from each other when the educator gives them the chance to interact with one another.
FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY 1 Measuring Worms Materials 1. Live worms 2. Fake worms 3. Inch rulers 4. Magnifying glasses Procedure Introduction: Teacher will introduce the concept of earthworms to the children.
… Steps of Activity 1. In front of the class, lay a real earthworm on a ruler, and determine its length in inches. 2. Teacher will show the children how to identify the length of an earthworm, and write the number of inches you measure on the board. 3. Teacher will tell children that they can find the nearest number on the ruler to identify the worm's length. Inch rulers without smaller fractions will work best for young students. 4. Then children might not be ready to use rulers, so you can also have them visually compare the worms to decide which one is longer. 5. Teacher will invite a child to put a worm on a ruler and identify its length. Then, have another child repeat with her worm. 6.. After teacher will give each pair of children small handful of worms (real or artificial) and a ruler. 7. Allow children to explore the materials for a few minutes. Give them magnifying glasses to investigate their worms closely. Teacher will make sure children are holding their worms straight, as the live ones might move around too much to measure. End: Children will measure their worms and arrange their group of worms from shortest to longest
FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY 2 Hand Measuring Materials Paper Ruler Pencil or marker Procedure Introduction: Teacher will invite children to the carpet and she will show children a ruler, she will explain the purpose of a ruler. Steps of Activity Teacher will have children place their hand in the middle of the sheet of paper. Use the pencil to trace around children hand. Trying to get as close to their hand as possible. Once teacher is done tracing, she will take the sheet of paper and place it on a flat surface. Teacher can stay on the floor if it's comfortable. Then have children take the ruler and measure how long their hand is. Teacher will put the number measure close to children hand in the paper. Once she has that measurement, teacher will invite another child to have their hand print measure. End: Repeat the whole process with all the children and later compare which hand is bigger, medium and small
Janeth Giron Activity 3 Yanet Renteria Learning Goals Modifications Assessment of Learning Mariaelena Avila Activity 4 GROUP MEMBERS CONTRIBUTION Ana Herrera Activity 1 Janeth Rodriguez Activity 2 Follow Up Activities Flor Olague Power Point