CirculatorySystem 37.1
Circulatory Book: In place of a reading summary, you will create a Circulatory Review Book. You must create an eye- catching cover with labels. This may be completed as we get close to the end of the chapter. As you read, you will complete the questions and charts. Due on the day of the test: review sheet notes Circulation Book
For these notes you will need: A red colored pencil A blue colored pencil 2 different green pencils.
Function of the Circulatory System Brings Oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells Fights infection Removes wastes from the cells Helps to regulate body temperature
In an open circulatory system: Blood flows into sinuses (large spaces)
BUT: In a closed circulatory system - blood stays enclosed in blood vessels
Human Circulatory System: -Is a closed system because blood flows within blood vessels called: Arteries, Veins and Capillaries
Arteries have thick, muscular walls Their stretching is the pulse Veins are thinner than arteries. They have valves to prevent backflow of blood Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels They are 1-cell thick. They reach the cells Comparison of arteries, veins & capillaries
A cross-section of an artery, vein & capillary. Thick Thinner Thinnest Artery - carries blood AWAY from the heart Capillary - smallest, connects arteries to veins, reaches cells Vein - carries blood back toward the heart
Arteries & veins branch smaller and smaller until they are the size of capillaries
Capillaries are small enough to reach cells CapillariesCells
Blood CellsCell NameAppearanceFunction Red blood cell (Erythrocyte) Biconcave Discs (indented both sides) No nucleus when mature Lives 120 days Carries oxygen White blood cell (leukocyte) Sphere with nucleus Increases in number to fight infection Platelet (Thrombocyte) Cell fragment Releases proteins to form blood clots
The Heart
Now you will use the colored pencils When you see a section of the heart colored on the next slides, use the same color on your heart in the notes.
PULMONARY CIRCULATION - brings impure blood (carbon dioxide)to the lungs to get purified with oxygen - represented by the color blue
1. Superior vein - brings blood from the head
2. Inferior vein - Brings blood from lower parts of the body
3. Right Atrium - receives impure (CO 2 ) blood
4. Right A.V. valve
5. Right Ventricle - Sends (pumps) impure blood to the lungs to get oxygen
6. Pulmonary semi-lunar valve
7. Pulmonary artery to lungs. Even though this is an artery, it is represented blue because it carries impure blood.
PULMONARY CIRCULATION - brings impure blood (carbon dioxide)to the lungs to get purified with oxygen
Pulmonary Circulation: Make a list of the structures that impure blood goes through on the way to the lungs. Start: superior vein End: lung Do this on a sheet of paper before going to the next slide.
Pulmonary Circulation 1.Superior vein 2.Inferior vein 3.Right atrium 4.Right A.V.valve 5.Right ventricle 6.Pulmonary semi-lunar valve 7.Pulmonary artery 8.Lungs
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION - brings pure blood (O 2 ) to all the body and is the largest circuit Represented by the color red
8. Pulmonary Veins - carry pure blood (O 2 ) from lungs to the heart 8. Pulmonary Veins - carry pure blood (O 2 ) from lungs to the heart
9. Left Atrium - Receives pure Blood (O 2 )
10. Left A.V. valve
11. Left Ventricle (pumps) pure blood (O 2 ) to the rest of the body
12. Aortic semi-lunar valve
13. Aortic Arch branches to the head, neck and arms Aortic
14. Aorta - the largest artery in the body Goes to the rest of the body
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION - brings pure blood (O 2 ) to all the body and is the largest circuit
Systemic Circulation Make a list of the structures that pure blood goes through on the way to the rest of the body from the lungs. Start: pulmonary veins End: body Do this on a sheet of paper before going to the next slide.
Systemic Circulation 1.Pulmonary veins 2.Left atrium 3.Left A.V. valve 4.Left ventricle 5.Aortic semi-lunar valve 6.Aortic arch 7.Aorta to the rest of the body
Review while looking at the heart Start at the Superior Vein Make a list and… Trace a drop of blood all the way through until you come back to the Superior Vein again. DO THIS BEFORE YOU GO TO THE NEXT SLIDE. CHECK YOUR LIST FROM THE NEXT SLIDE
Trace a drop of Blood 1.Superior vein 2.Inferior vein 3.Right atrium 4.Right AV valve 5.Right ventricle 6.Pulmonary semi-lunar valve 7.Pulmonary artery 8.To the Lungs From the Lungs: 9.Pulmonary veins 10.Left atrium 11.Left AV valve 12.Left ventricle 13.Aortic semi-lunar valve 14.Aorta 15.To the body cells 16.Cell respiration occurs 17.CO2 is made 18.Back through Superior & Inferior veins 19.To be purified
Blood CellsCell NameAppearanceFunction Red blood cell (Erythrocyte) Biconcave Discs (indented both sides) No nucleus when mature Lives 120 days Carries oxygen White blood cell (leukocyte) Sphere with nucleus Increases in number to fight infection Platelet (Thrombocyte) Cell fragment Releases proteins to form blood clots
1. Superior vein brings blood from the head
2. Inferior vein Brings blood from lower parts of the body
3. Right Atrium receives impure (CO 2 ) blood
4. Right A.V. valve
5. Right Ventricle Sends (pumps) impure blood to the lungs to get oxygen
6. Pulmonary semi-lunar valve
7. Pulmonary artery to lungs. Even though this is an artery, it is represented blue because it carries impure blood.
8. Pulmonary Veins 8. Pulmonary Veins carry pure blood (O 2 ) from lungs to the heart carry pure blood (O 2 ) from lungs to the heart
9. Left Atrium Receives pure Blood (O 2 )
10. Left A.V. valve
11. Left Ventricle (pumps) pure blood (O 2 ) to the rest of the body
12. Aortic semi-lunar valve
13. Aortic Arch Aortic branches to the head, neck and arms
14. Aorta the largest artery in the body Goes to the rest of the body