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It is everyone’s dream to own a home but not all are given the opportunity. There are many reasons why people choose to rent instead, whether in an apartment or condo (condominium). There is the credit standing issue, mortgage issues, or lack of down payment. In addition, some are forced to rent simply because the property they want to purchase is farther from the workplace and rather than spending extra time traveling to and from, moving into a rental property is a better option.dream to own Living in an apartment or condo Living in an apartment or condo is not a bad thing at all. In fact, because of lower living expenses and no cost for maintenance in a rental, you can often save money in the long run and will help achieve the goal of owning your own home someday. However, the transition isn’t always easy. The biggest challenge is dealing with your items and personal belongings and how can you fit all those into a small space.biggest challenge No matter how small the living unit is, there are always ways in which to make it look larger. The trick is strategically arranging furniture as well as adding decorations and accents that would create an illusion of a larger and spacious apartment.larger and spacious apartment There are some tips that might just be useful in making your small-spaced apartment look larger than it is without a lot of cost:
Remove the Clutter – A better picture of where things should be placed can be best visualized if the room is free from unnecessary items. There is nothing that makes a space feel cramped more than having too many things. Get rid of any item of furniture that is not adding to the look of the room. Most importantly, create an organized storage.picture of where things Hang Long Curtains – Hang curtains close to the ceiling to give the illusion of tall windows. Make sure that the colour of the curtain is the same colour as the walls to help avoid contrast to the space.same colour Hang Mirrors – Create an illusion of a larger space by hanging mirrors around the apartment. Choose a framed mirror that highlights the decors. Mirrors will add an extra light, sparkle and sparkle and make a room appear bigger.sparkle and sparkle Coordinate Wall and Furniture Colours – Contrasting colours tend to break up a space. Pieces of furniture are less interrupting and tend to blend with the space if they are colored to match the wall.tend to blend Use Your Walls – If you have many things to put away such as books, take advantage of your wall space by hanging floating shelves. You can rotate the decor you put on the shelves to adapt to anything you add to the room.hanging floating shelves Let the Light In – Any room will look larger if it’s well-lit, either by natural light or artificial lighting. Get rid of any draperies and open up the window to let the light in. The use of blinds or shades can still give you the privacy needed, yet let the light in when they are open.
Moving into an apartment can be challenging if you are used to having a bigger space, but with creativity and proper arrangement, you’ll surely love your small apartment. Looking for a property in Scottsdale or anywhere within the Valley? Search here. Also visit Luxury Valley Homes West USA Realty or call Search here Luxury Valley Homes West USA Realty