WP1: Application Ontology Management Maria Teresa Pazienza Dept. Of Computer Science University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza The CROSSMARC application ontology: an overview CROSSMARC peculiarities Task orientend knowledge Linguistic processors NEED knowledge to reason over domains Multiple domains –Required an easy customization to new domains Multiple languages –Different character encodings (deals also with Greek charset) Changes in the role of domain knowledge during the project (increasing demands for background knowledge) T 0 : bag of language dependent terms (help in identification of entities) M-T: structured template for IE (concepts separated from lexicons) Today: integrated knowledge views (supports different sys. activities) T0T0 Mid-Term Review Today Excel Spreadsheet XML Document Protégé KB
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Kinds of Knowledge in CROSSMARC LanguageDomain Task User Web Page Collection Language, Keywords, Terminology Named Entity Recognition and Classification Domain Concepts, Relations,Instances Fact Extraction and Normalization Structural knowledge of the Product Task Specific knowledge User Interface User Models, Preferences,Locales
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza In the first CROSSMARC domain (Laptop computers) a fragment of the knowledge required by the IE component is: PRODUCT: laptop COMPONENT: processor the notebook processor ATTRIBUTE: type the processor type: can be enumerated –VALUE: Intel Pentium –VALUE: AMD K6 –VALUE: Power PC –VALUE: … ATTRIBUTE: speed the processor speed: has a numeric range –MINVALUE: 166 –MAXVALUE: 1400 –UNIT: MHz Surface realizations of such information are different strings for each language (should not be represented in the ontology) The target knowledge: an example
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza State of Art Analysis (D1.3) Goal: a widely accessed framework and tools for knowledge management Protégé 2000 (Stanford University) has been choosen Protégé 2000 features Extensible Knowledge model Customizable user interface Extensible architecture CROSSMARC KB Editor
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza The CROSSMARC KB Manager Value-added services Automatic generation of the FE XML Schema Automatic generation of semantic constraints from Ontology Support for NERC entities definition Automatic generation of Nerc.DTD Definition of IE templates from the domain ontology Export of Template definitions in XML Definition of language dependent lexicons Import/Export of Lexicons in XML Definition of user stereotypes Direct export of User Stereotypes in XML for the GUI Locale-independent storage and presentation Support for multiple languages embedded in the KB Editor UTF-8 Backend for KB storage
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Design rationales A multi-layered knowledge architecture, structured in: Meta-conceptual layer Domain independent reuse through domains Embodies semantics the different components of the system should commit to in their reasoning activities Conceptual layer Language independent same for the 4 languages Contains relevant concepts of each domain Instance layer Language independent same for the 4 languages Contains relevant individuals of each domain The lexical layer Language and domain dependent one for each language and domain surface realizations of domain information
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Overall Organization The four different knowledge modalities are organized under four branches of the knowledge model DOMAIN-TEMPLATE DOMAIN-ONTOLOGY DOMAIN-LEXICON USER-PROTOTYPE Each of these represents a specific knowledge aspect in the overall organization Several widget components have been developed to provide focused views and ease the management LanguageDomain Task User
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Class Panel Instance Panel Instance editor The Ontology Editor Ontology management is allowed by a specific component Fast browsing, editing Direct editing of lexical information related to ontology nodes
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Customization and Maintenance Different phases/roles involved 1. DE examines the current status of the specific domain to identify possible changes; 2. DE validates changes in the domain and report to the KE 3. LP provides coherent lexicalisations 4. KE prepares new models for the ontology 5. OA releases a new version of the ontology 6. LP adapts lexicalisations to the concepts specified in the (new version of) ontology
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Customization: evaluation results Test case: the 2nd domain (Job Offers) Comparative Analysis with the 1st domain Time spent for the different activities
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza Conclusions The CROSSMARC ontology design aims to provide a methodology for knowledge representation easily customizable over different domains. The knowledge base is designed to be flexible enough to be applied to different domains without changing the overall structure ( only modifying relevant values); The lexical component (language-dependent) has been separated from the conceptual ones The domain model is in a widely assessed framework (Prot é g é ). The CROSSMARC KB Manager modular architecture enables an homogeneous approach for managing different views of the knowledge used by different system components and allows for an efficient control of several tasks involved in building and mantaining the knowledge.
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza References Basili R., M. Vindigni, F. M. Zanzotto, Integrating Ontological and Linguistic Knowledge for Conceptual Information Extraction, in proceedings of IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2003), Beijing, China, October Pazienza M. T., A. Stellato, M. Vindigni, Combining Ontological Knowledge and Wrapper Induction techniques into an e-retail System, in proceedings of ATEM2003 Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September Hachey B., C. Grover, V. Karkaletsis, A. Valarakos, M. T. Pazienza, M. Vindigni, E. Cartier, J. Coch, Use of Ontologies for Cross-lingual Information Management in the Web, in proceedings of EUROLAN 2003 International School on The Semantic Web and Language Technology, Bucharest, Romania, August Pazienza M. T., A. Stellato, M. Vindigni, A. Valarokos, V. Karkaletsis, Ontology integration in a multilingual e-retail system, in proceedings of HCI International 2003, 10 th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June Pazienza M. T., M. Vindigni, Language-based agent communication, in proceedings of EKAW02, 13 th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, OMAS Workshop on Ontologies for Multi-Agent Systems, Siguenza, Spain, October 2002.
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza References Basili R., M. Vindigni, F. M. Zanzotto, Integrating Ontological and Linguistic Knowledge for Conceptual Information Extraction, in proceedings of IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2003), Beijing, China, October Pazienza M. T., A. Stellato, M. Vindigni, Combining Ontological Knowledge and Wrapper Induction techniques into an e-retail System, in proceedings of ATEM2003 Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September Hachey B., C. Grover, V. Karkaletsis, A. Valarakos, M. T. Pazienza, M. Vindigni, E. Cartier, J. Coch, Use of Ontologies for Cross-lingual Information Management in the Web, in proceedings of EUROLAN 2003 International School on The Semantic Web and Language Technology, Bucharest, Romania, August Pazienza M. T., A. Stellato, M. Vindigni, A. Valarokos, V. Karkaletsis, Ontology integration in a multilingual e-retail system, in proceedings of HCI International 2003, 10 th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June Pazienza M. T., M. Vindigni, Language-based agent communication, in proceedings of EKAW02, 13 th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, OMAS Workshop on Ontologies for Multi-Agent Systems, Siguenza, Spain, October 2002.
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza
WP1: Ontology Maintenance Maria Teresa Pazienza The CROSSMARC KB Manager: functionalities From Protégé 2000 Integration of the CROSSMARC Ontology in a widely assessed framework Extensible Knowledge model Customizable user interface Extensible architecture CROSSMARC value-added services Automatic generation of the FE XML Schema Automatic generation of semantic constraints from Ontology Support for NERC entities definition Automatic generation of Nerc.DTD Definition of IE templates from the domain ontology Export of Template definitions in XML Definition of language dependent lexicons Import/Export of Lexicons in XML Definition of user stereotypes Direct export of User Stereotypes in XML for the GUI Locale-independent storage and presentation Support for multiple languages embedded in the KB Editor UTF-8 Backend for KB storage