Bellwork 3 rd Qtr 26 January to 7 April
Bellwork 26 Jan Copy the new vocabulary for Unit 4. You need to know the definitions of these words by Thursday. adversity- din reprieve- rhetoric emaciated- connotation execute- denotation decisive- fallacy
Bellwork 27 Jan What rhetorical fallacy can you identify in these statements? 1.Drinking sodas will make you fat. 2.You can be a hockey fan or you can be wrong. 3.People who don’t vote are just irresponsible
6 th period bellwork 1/27 Copy this on page 7 of your interactive notebook: Class Social Contract We, the members of 6 th period English 1 agree that will conduct ourselves as respectful young adults. We will be responsible and kind, treating our teacher with respect. When problems arise, we will show kindness, deal fairly, and talk it out. Sign your name on this page and update your table of contents.
Bellwork Jan 28 th Page 9 If you had to choose between your own survival and that of someone you cared very much about, what would you decide? Justify your decision.
Bellwork Jan 29Period 6Page 9 1. A compass 2. A small mirror 3. Mosquito netting 4. A 5 gallon can of water 5. A case of army rations 6. Maps of the Pacific Ocean 7. A floating seat cushion 8. A 2 gallon can of oil/petrol mixture 9. A small radio square feet of plastic sheeting 11. Shark repellent 12. One quart of 160 per cent proof rum ft nylon rope boxes of chocolate bars 15. A fishing kit You are on a sinking ship in the South Pacific ocean. You can take five things from this list and swim to safety on a nearby island. Pick five items. The rest are going down with the ship:
Bellwork Jan 29Page 9 Complete the vocabulary quiz The answers for the quiz should be on your bellwork page
Bellwork February 8 1.Anecdote 2.Laud 3.Argument 4.Claim 5.Consume 6.Berate 7.Edict 8.Transfix 9.Relevant 10.sufficient Copy down the vocabulary for this week. You need to know the definitions of these words for a quiz on Friday. Most of these are in your textbook. This goes on page 21 of your INB
Bellwork Feb 9 Quick write to answer the following: Why does society treat survivors of life-threatening situations like cancer and domestic violence as heroes, but people who escape from disasters such as airplane or car crashes may not be heroes?
Bellwork Feb 10 Quickwrite to answer the following: Think about whether you would use the word selfish to describe someone who survives a disaster. Would you feel differently if the survivor were your close friend? Explain.
Bellwork Feb 11 In each of these situations, is the writer’s evidence sufficient? 1. The writer uses only one source of evidence in an argument. 2. The writer uses a chart of population statistics to support his claim that the population of China is growing. 3. The writer includes a story of a little-known event without citing its source
Bellwork Feb 12 Complete the Vocabulary Quiz and turn in your bellwork. Period 6, make sure you leave your INB in the classroom.
Bellwork Feb 16 Here is your vocabulary for the week! adversity concise stereotype verify substantiate evaluate editorial delineate
Bellwork February 17 Look on page R20 of your text book. Read “Evaluating Arguments” Write down the three key concepts you need to look for when evaluating arguments
Bellwork Feb 18 Go to page R20 of your text Read “Strategies for Evaluating Evidence” Do the first “Practice and Apply” on page R21
Bellwork Feb 19 Quickwrite to answer the following: During an election year, we see many examples of propaganda or bias used in advertising. Discuss one example of either of these you have observed and how it has impacted your opinion of that candidate. Example: Candidate A claims that since Candidate B is from a wealthy family, he cannot understand the problems of middle and lower class families. (Stereotyping: that rich people don’t have problems)
Bellwork Feb 22 New vocab for this week. There will be a quiz on Friday 1.Abdicate 2.Bias 3.Collaborate 4.Demagogue 5.Extenuating 6.Hackneyed 7.Jubilation 8.Precocious 9.Spontaneous 10.Tenacious
Bellwork Feb 23 How do you evaluate evidence? What makes it valid, relevant and sufficient? (hint: page 321)
Bellwork Feb 25 Quickwrite to answer the following: During an election year, we see many examples of propaganda or bias used in advertising. Discuss one example of either of these you have observed and how it has impacted your opinion of that candidate. Example: Candidate A claims that since Candidate B is from a wealthy family, he cannot understand the problems of middle and lower class families. (Stereotyping: that rich people don’t have problems)
Bellwork Feb 26 Vocab quiz and Guidance Department presentation
Bellwork Feb 29 New Vocab: 1.Aberration 2.Boisterous 3.Compassion 4.Digression 5.Florid 6.Hedonist 7.Lobbyist 8.Pretntious 9.Spurious 10.tactful
Bellwork March 1 Sensory language creates powerful images that appeal to the reader’s senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Examples: smelly, slimy, bright. In the next three minutes, write as many words as you can that can be considered sensory words. (Prize to the winner)
Bellwork March 2 Figurative language is using figures of speech to be more effective, persuasive and impactful. Figures of speech such as metaphors, similes, allusions go beyond the literal meanings of the words to give the readers new insights. Idioms are expressions have meaning beyond the actual words. Define these idioms: Cost an arm and a leg Let the cat out of the bag Sit on the fence The whole nine yards
Bellwork March 3 Slang is a type of figurative language. These expressions are unique to a culture and carry hidden meaning. Define each of these slang expressions: Burnt out Chill out Couch potato Freebie Fleek
Bellwork March 4 Quickwrite to answer: What are the most important images of war you retained from yesterday’s discussion and the slides we viewed? Why do you think they stayed with you?
Bellwork March 7 1.Asylum 2.Capitulate 3.Discredit 4.Fortuitous 5.Intrepid 6.Orator 7.Prosperity 8.Rancorous 9.Submissive 10.Vindicate
Bellwork March 8 Find these words in context (When Mr. Prizada Come to Dine) and explain what they mean: Autonomy Compatriot Impeccably Imperceptible
Bellwork March 9 What theme about growing up do we learn from Lilia’s observations of Mr. Pirzada? Give evidence to support your claim.
Bellwork March 10 Pick any five words from this weeks vocabulary list and write a complete sentence for each one.
Bellwork March 11 When the music starts, start writing. When it stops, put your pencil down and go turn in your bellwork. Write about how your week went, what was fun- or not- and why weekends are great.