Learning Scale 1.With help, I can find the topic 2.I can find the topic and claim 3.I can find the topic, claim and evidence to find the main idea 4.I can find the main idea and use this information to determine theme, the author’s purpose and support my ideas with textual evidence Non-Response 30
Select Your Team A.Team 1 B.Team 2 C.Team 3 D.Team 4 E.Team 5 F.Team 6 Non-Response
Determine the main idea by text mapping this excerpt. Lisa knew all of the seven dwarfs except one. She remembered Grumpy, Sleepy and Bashful. And of course she couldn't forget Doc and Dopey. Dopey was her favorite. But there was one she just could not remember. Let's see. There's also Sneezy, and that's six. But she could not remember that last one. What was his name?
What is the main idea of this passage? A.Dopey was Lisa's favorite dwarf. B.Lisa could not remember the name of one of the dwarfs C.There were seven dwarfs in all. D.Lisa had a good memory Non-Response 30
Determine the main idea by text mapping this excerpt. "Are you already done, son?" his father asked. "It seems like you just got in the water." Jacob was finished with his bath in less than two minutes. He got his body and hair wet, rubbed some grape flavored shampoo on his hair, washed his body with soap, and quickly rinsed it off. He liked to take fast baths so he would have more time to play. In fact, Jacob never took a long bath. To him, the faster the bath, the better.
Determine the main idea of the passage. A.Jacob is very clean. B.Jacob uses grape flavored shampoo. C.Jacob likes to take fast baths D.Jacob never took showers. Non-Response 30
Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam
Determine the main idea by text mapping this excerpt. North Carolina police may use germs to catch bank thieves. Important papers can be sprayed with harmless germs that will stick to the hands of anyone who touches the paper. If a dishonest employee steals the papers, things that he or she touches later will have the germs on them. A scientist can show that the person leaving the germs got them when stealing the treated papers.
What is the main idea of this passage? A.How some germs are harmless to people B.How dishonest employees steal important papers C.How important papers are treated D.How police use germs to solve crimes Non-Response 30
Determine the main idea by text mapping this excerpt. Each year experts study the movie habits of Americans. The study shows some interesting facts. For example, did you know that young people go to more movies than any other age group? Almost one half of all Americans are over 35. But people under 35 go to the movies more than any age group. This explains the big success of movies about young people.
What is this story mainly about? A.Movie habits of young people in America B.Movie habits of Americans C.Why young people like movies D.Why the smallest group of moviegoers is over 35 Non-Response 30
Determine the main idea by text mapping this excerpt. Jack walked through the grocery store looking at various items he did not plan on buying. He was not there out of necessity? he did not need anything? but rather, he was there out of boredom. He needed to get out of the house. He had spent the afternoon staring at a blank canvas on which he was supposed to paint his final project for his art class. He was out of ideas. Then, as he stared at pork chops, he suddenly had an idea! He rushed over to the butcher and asked him for some butcher paper and a pen. Upon receiving the paper and pen, Jack began furiously scratching a picture on the paper. It was not a fully developed idea, but it was a start.
Based on its context in this passage, what does the writer mean by "scratching a picture"? A.to make a stencil with an X- ACTO knife B.to make shallow cuts with a sharp tool C.to draw hurriedly or haphazardly D.to etch a design with nails or claws Non-Response 30
Learning Scale 1.With help, I can find the topic 2.I can find the topic and claim 3.I can find the topic, claim and evidence to find the main idea 4.I can find the main idea and use this information to determine theme, the author’s purpose and support my ideas with textual evidence Non-Response 30
Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam
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