SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME first calls for proposal22 December The first calls for proposal was opened on 22 December
SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 7FP CooperationIdeas & ERCPeopleCapacities Cooperation
SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
Budget The overall budget planned for the 7th Framework Programme in the Financial Perspective is € million including the Euratom Programme Of this, €1890 million is for Environment (including climate change) a priority of COOPERATION specific programme
First elements of the future Workprogramme Priority “Environment (including climate change)” Environmental Research to contribute to EU environmental policies such as: European Climate Change Programme II 6th Environmental Action Plan and associated Thematic Strategies (air, waste,marine, soil, pesticides, urban) Action Plans on Environmental Technologies and Environmental Health European Directives- Water Framework, REACH (chemicals), CAFE’ (air quality), INSPIRE (
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call Concerning the sub-division “Climate Change” Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call ERA-NET Climate Change and impacts on national water policies Climate change impacts on water resources in snowmelt-dominated regions (also INCO focus on Himalaya) Impacts of current and future climate conditions including extreme hydro- meteorological events on regional water budgets Concerning the sub-division “Climate Change”
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call Concerning the sub-division “Environment and Health” Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call Global Environmental Change: health and socio economic impacts of drought and desertification – collaborative project Concerning the sub-division “Environment and Health”
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call Concerning the sub-division “Sustainable Management of Resources” Natural Hazards – risk management and mitigation Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
Indicative Topics for the 1 st call Drought risk assessment and early warning Concerning the sub-division “Sustainable Management of Resources” Natural Hazards – risk management and mitigation
First Elements of the Workprogramme concerning “Environmental Technologies” Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
First Elements of the workprogramme concerning “Environmental Technologies” Water priorities will be mainly derived from the Strategic Research Agenda of the Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP) 5 priority research areas: Balancing demand and supply Ensuring appropriate quality and security of water supply and sewerage services Reducing negative environmental impacts Novel approaches to the design, construction and operation of water infrastructure assets Establishment of an enabling framework
Content “Pilot Actions" 6 “Pilot Actions" proposed Mitigation of water stress in costal areas Sustainable water management in urban areas Sustainable water management in agricultural areas Sustainable water management for industries Restoration of degraded water resources Adaptation and mitigation of extreme hydroclimatic events 1 Further action proposed by the Commission: Instruments for the integrated management of complex river basins WFD Inputs from various thematic strategies, the WFD (priority pollutants) and other policies are the Priority for 2007 concerning Clean Processes and Pollution Prevention
Concerning the sub-division “Earth Observation” Cooperation Food, agric. bioHealthSecurityITSocio-economNanotechEnergyEnvironmentTransportSpace Earth ObservationClimate ChangeEnvironment & HealthSust.Manag. ResourcesEnvironmental Tec.
Concerning the sub-division “Earth Observation” Proposals for the specific programme area are the following: Research activities will be devoted to the development and integration of the Global Earth Observation Systems (GEOSS) for environment and sustainable development issues in the framework of the GEO initiative… GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems): GLOBAL DIMENSION GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security): SERVIVE ORIENTED INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial InfoRmation in Europe): REGULATORY FRAMEWORK