Statutory Target Setting 2006 Governors’ Meeting 5 th December 2006 KS (Current Year 8) GCSE 2008 (Current Year 10) St John Plessington Catholic College
Statutory Requirements Key Stage 3. % Level 5+ For English, Mathematics, Science and ICT GCSE % 5+ A* to C % 5+ A* to C including English and Maths) % 5+ A* to G (including English and Maths) Average Points Score Per Pupil
Fischer Trust Data Fischer is an educational trust that provides value added data nationally. It is used by LEAs and OFSTED. Performance at KS2 and KS3 is used to predict future performance at KS3 and KS4. Fischer A Prediction What would be expected from this cohort of pupils is their progress was the same as the progress made by all pupils nationally. Fischer B Prediction What would be expected from this cohort of pupils is their progress was the same as the progress made by pupils in similar schools. Fischer C Prediction What would be expected from this cohort of pupils is their progress was consistent with the overall improvement needed to achieve LEA targets. Fischer D Prediction What would be expected from this cohort of pupils is their progress was similar to progress made by pupils in the ‘top 25% of schools nationally last year.
KS3 Target Setting Sheet
KS4 Target Setting Sheet
Governing Body Draft Statutory Targets for 2008 GCSE / GNVQ 5+ A* to C60% (58%) 5+ A* to C (incl. English and Maths) 37% (28%) 5+ A* to G 94% (89%) (Including English and Mathematics) Average points per pupil 364 (370) KS3 – Level 5+ English 86% (71%)Science72% (66%) Maths72% (70%)ICT88% (85%) (Figures in brackets targets for 2006)