More Able, Gifted and Talented 2015/16
More Able and Gifted learners have abilities in one or more subject areas and the potential to attain distinctly above average for that cohort. The definition of a More Able and Gifted pupil at St Marys. A pupil who shows an interest in a subject area beyond the constraints of the curriculum. They have the ability to learn quickly and a desire to acquire knowledge over a wide range of subjects. They show abilities to a level significantly higher than others in the same year group. They are nominated by subject staff and if they appear on the lists for three subject areas they will be defined as a gifted pupil.
Talented learners display practical skills and have the potential to be distinctly above average in one or more areas of human performance.’ The definition of a Talented pupil at St Marys A pupil who shows exceptional ability in Music, Physical Education and Art. They must produce work well above that of what is usually expected for pupils of their age.
Faculty responsibilities MFL Maths & ICT PE & Psychology Science Humanities RE Creative French English & Media Art Drama Technology Physics Chemistry Biology History Geography Health and Social German
Learns quickly Asks searching questions May have a keen sense of humour Challenges accepted theories Has a vivid imagination Is a divergent (unusual) thinkers Is an autonomous learner A MAG&T student…
FACULTYEnrichment OpportunitiesYear Group Maths & ICT IT lunch clubs, Maths challenge Enterprise Day All welcome KS4 English and Media Poetry Live! events; theatre trips; entry into poetry and short story writing competitions and the Shakespeare Schools Festival, ‘Drop Everything and read’ initiative Sovereign Lecture at A Level; KS3 KS4 KS5 MFL Languages Clubs, Range of books in the library – including the full Harry Potter series & Hunger Games Trilogy in French and German. Spelling Bee competition & Reading Challenge. Exchange visits – France, Germany. All welcome KS3 KS4 Humanities Resources on the Learning Platform & class sites, Guest Speakers (inc Holocaust survivor), Field trips (inc Auschwitz) G&T visits. University visits, subject mentors in lower key stage lessons. All welcome Yr 11 & 12 G&T cohort KS5 RE Year 7 Day of Welcome and Mass of Welcome Fairtrade group, Ten Ten Theatre productions, Retreats. Ethics Matters conference, CRS days, Holy Island retreat Year 7 All Key Stages KS5 Science Nerd Soc (for all), I am a Scientist Science Live, ITriple Science Curriculum Provision – higher ability Bolton Lecture (physics), & Bonfire lecture (chem), Royal Society Summer Exhibition Biological Science Review: school liaison panel All welcome KS4 KS4/5 Open to all KS5 Creative Arts Leadership Awards, Set design opportunities, Rotary Competition, Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Bands, performance opportunities & concerts. School productions, & showcases. Theatre Trips. London visit, Liverpool Trip,, ‘Jaguar’, All welcome KS5 PE & Psychology Extra curricular PE program Leadership Academy & Level 1 Leadership Program All welcome Yr 10 Core PE, KS4 & KS – open to all students & participation strongly encouraged
I The Intervention Programme Phase 1. All staff invited to nominate students for the More Able, Gifted and Talented Programme. Students nominated in more that one faculty area will be invited to participate in the intervention programme. Phase 2. The Visit– for KS 3. October 20 th Conference event to experience lectures and workshops, to promote ‘thinking skills’ and cross curricular learning… Phase 3. Students who have been identified as Gifted or Talented will work on an enrichment project in VERTICAL groups (i.e. across the key stages) in a SUBJECT area. Each subject (or faculty if more appropriate) will need a member of staff to MENTOR the group through their project. – to begin January Phase 4. Public Speaking Competition – July 2016.
The benefits for the Students Development of Existing Study Skills Increased Motivation Increased Confidence and Pride New Experiences New Skills Fun! Broaden Horizons & aspire further Enthusiasm for learning independently More interest in a subject – inspire a new interest
Key Stage 3 Conference Event Academy conferences October 20 th … Ashville College Harrogate
“_____ is the year that…” Each group to have a max of 6 mins to present and argue the case for their ‘innovation to a panel of experts and the audience. The panel of experts will have the opportunity to ask questions and give immediate feedback on the presentations After all the presentations there will be a drinks/snacks breaks and the opportunity for all guests to vote for ‘the greatest life’. The results will be announced at the end of the evening and prizes given…
Mentors… English:tbc Maths:tbc Science:Miss Slater// Mr Cliffe RE:Miss Devenish Humanities: Mr Davis// Miss Crispin Creative:tbc Languages: Miss Parlby PE: Mr Shields// Mr Pringle