You decide: variety is the ‘spice’ of life! Every week, choose a task to complete for homework. You should make an effort to choose tasks of varying ‘heat’. Formal letter to the Prime Minister persuading him either for or against why homework should be kept or dismissed on the curriculum. Write a narrative that is entitled either: Trapped The Unwanted Letter The Day I Will Never Forget Create a podcast / video of the topic we have covered – you must include information gained from extra research. Write a detailed description of a landscape of your choice using a range of techniques, vocabulary, sentence structures, punctuation and paragraphs to engage the reader. Minimum of 4 paragraphs. Any other creative idea – e.g. model, lesson plan – but it must show you have done extra research. Date and sign: Grade: Date and sign:Grade: Date and sign :Grade:Date and sign :Grade:Date and sign :Grade: Write a newspaper article that explores one of the key events or ideas presented in a text we have studied. Write a narrative that explores the feelings and ideas of any person in any text we have studied. Write a description of a beach in the summer and the winte using a range of techniques, vocabulary, sentence structures, punctuation and paragraphs to engage the reader. Minimum of 4 paragraphs. Design a web page that centres around the texts that we have been studying. Using language techniques, write a poem that is influenced by the topic that we have studied. Date and sign: Grade: Date and sign :Grade:Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign: Grade: Date and sign :Grade: to a friend explaining key terms and ideas we have been learning within this current text (Minimum 100 words) Describe a seaside town in detail using a range of techniques that you have been studying to engage the reader. Imagine that you have been asked to create a piece of art inspired by a text that we have studied in class. You must also write a short explanation as to why you have created this as your masterpiece. Highlight ten words that you have used in a piece of work that you have completed. Challenge your vocabulary by selecting other words that could improve your writing Design a poster that summarises a key theme within the article that we have been studying. Date and sign : Grade: Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign : Grade: Date and sign:Grade: Write the opening paragraph of a story with the title ‘A Day to Remember’. Find 5 unknown vocabulary choices from the text that we have studied and find their definitions. You should also use them in 5 separate sentences to show your understanding. Fact Sheet with key terminology and definitions we have been learning as part of this topic (minimum of six). Create a starter that tests the understanding of your fellow students on the topic that we studied in the previous lesson. Create three ‘tweets’ on the topic that you have been studying. Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign:Grade:Date and sign:Grade: Earn a Ruskin Respect and/or house points Earn house points and possibly a Ruskin Respect. Earn a house point or two. Don’t get a detention! Grade Guide: 1 = Outstanding 2= Good 3= Satisfactory 4= Unsatisfactory English Language KS3