School Funding Update Pat Jones Group Accountant Children’s Services
Updates on: Funding settlements and the economic landscape What do the 2013/2014 budgets look like? Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) (& possible changes in 2014/2015) School Funding (& possible changes in 2014/2015) What’s coming up this term?
Funding settlements & the economic landscape (1) Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Settlement 2012/ % inflation 2013/ % inflation Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) Capped at -1.5% per pupil elements for 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) 2013/2014 will be at 2012/2013 levels
Funding settlements & the economic landscape (2) Pupil Premium Grant Allocated on January 2013 census for FSM & service children and March 2013 SSDA903 return for looked after children
What do the 2013/2014 school budgets look like? 1)Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) 2)School Funding 3)Post-16 Education Funding Agency (EFA) Funding 4)High Needs Funding Summary pulls the elements together Guidance explains budget formation
EYSFF factors 3 & 4 Year Olds 1)Hourly rate: Nursery Schools & PVI providers £3.78 ph Lower & Primary School providers £3.43 ph 2) Deprivation (IMD): 0-30% £0.73ph 31-60% £0.30ph 3)Nursery School annual lump sum £25,000 4)Nursery School annual split site £25,000 2 Year Olds 1)Hourly rate £5.03
Early Years Consultation Things to note: Continued drive to simplify formula Views on removing all factors except base rate and deprivation for 3 & 4 year old funding Consultation end date 6 May
School formula factors 1)Basic per-pupil entitlement: Primary Secondary KS3 Secondary KS4 2) Deprivation (IDACI) 3)Low prior attainment: Early Years Foundation Stage Profile: < 73 points KS2: Level 3 or below in English & Maths 4) English as an additional language (3 years funding) 5)Lump sum £150,000 6)Rates (updated annually)
Review of School Funding Arrangements Questions regarding: Lump sums Rural schools Ability to target funds to those most in need Outcomes of consultation due in May
What’s coming up ? Local Authority / School Deadlines: 24 May - Receipt of surplus balance cases 15 June - Receipt of the 2 year budget plan June/July – Consultation on 2014/2015: (i) De-delegation items (ii) Centrally retained commitments
Maintained schools option to de-delegate: New, reorganised and closing schools Schools in financial difficulties FSM eligibility Union cover Support for underachieving groups Behaviour support services Library and museum contribution
All Schools - Historical commitments or centrally retained funding Admissions Schools Forum Capital expenditure Targeted work for schools in difficulty Combined budgets for ICT School redundancy Independent schools for non SEN pupils Growth Fund
Any further questions?