American Sign Language April 18, 2016
Today, start by conversing with your neighbors about their weekend. “YOU WEEKEND PAST DO WHAT YOU?” “YOU JOB WHAT YOU?” “YOU SNOW LIKE YOU?”
Take out your Classifiers Scrapbook. Today, we are going to have a Gallery Walk to look through the scrapbooks. You will be given three sticky notes. On your sticky notes, write an affirmation for the scrapbook. Place the sticky note on the front cover.
Form a circle for the fingerspelling game. Fingerspell a word to the group. Once you figure it out, call out the word. Then, it passes to the next person. If no one can figure it out, the fingerspeller must choose another word.
Today, we are going to explore Deaf and hearing relationships by reading a few articles and watching some tips. We are going to talk about advantages and challenges of a Deaf/hearing relationships. mbuHuPUs mbuHuPUs
Today, we are going to silently play games for an ASL party.
American Sign Language
Today, start by conversing with your neighbors about their weekend. “YOU WEEKEND PAST DO WHAT YOU?” “IF YOU NEW NAME CAN NAME WHAT?”
What challenges did you face? How did people treat you throughout the day? How did it make you feel? Select a memorable moment from the day (good or bad) and describe how your “deafness” impacted this moment. What good things emerged from this experience? What did you learn from this experience? Summarize your main points.
SapwpB4w SapwpB4w What tips and tricks do you have to improve your receptive skills with fingerspelling?
American Sign Language
What is a piece of technology could translate American Sign Language into spoken English? edScience/videos/ / edScience/videos/ /
In your teams, you are going to create a silent skit showing customers ordering and employees delivering food in American Sign Language. Your skit should start from the moment the customer walks through the day and when they leave.
All songs must be approved for your ability level. SEE vs. ASL Interpretation: RZLn3CeqKY RZLn3CeqKY