Prepared by: Mudra Patel (113) Pradhyuman Raol(114) Locking Scheduler & Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements
Scheduler The order in which the individual steps of different transactions occur is regulated by the scheduler. The general process of assuring that transactions preserve consistency when executing simultaneously is called concurrency control.
Role of a Scheduler
Architecture of a Locking Scheduler The transactions themselves do not request locks, or cannot be relied upon to do so. It is the job of the scheduler to insert lock actions into the stream of reads, writes and other actions that access data. Transactions do not locks. Rather the scheduler releases the locks when the transaction manager tells it that the transaction will commit or abort.
Lock Table
The lock table is a relation that associates database elements with locking information about that element. The table is implemented with a hash table using database elements as a hash key.
Size of Lock Table The size of the table is proportional to the number of locked elements only and not to the entire size of the database since any element that is not locked does not appear in the table.
Structure of Lock Table Entries
Group Mode The group mode is a summary of the most stringent conditions that a transaction requesting a new lock on an element faces. Rather than comparing the lock request with every lock held by another transaction on the same element, we can simplify the grant/deny decision by comparing the request with only the group mode.
Handling Lock Requests Suppose transaction T requests a lock on A. If there is no lock-table entry for A, then surely there are no locks on A, so the entry is created and the request is granted. If the lock-table entry for A exists then we use it to guide the decision about the lock request.
Handling Unlocks If the value of waiting is ‘Yes’ then we need to grant one or more locks from the list of requested locks. The different approaches for this are: First-come-first-served Priority to shared locks Priority to upgrading
Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements It Focus on two problems that come up when there id tree structure to our data. 1. Tree Structure : Hierarchy of lockable elements. And How to allow locks on both large elements, like Relations and elements in it such as blocks and tuples of relation, or individual. 2. Another is data that is itself organized in a tree. A major example would be B-tree index.
Locks With Multiple Granularity “Database Elements” : It is sometime noticeably the various elements which can be used for locking. Eg: Tuples, Pages or Blocks, Relations etc. Granularity locks and Types : While putting locks actually when we decide which database element is to be used for locking makes it separates in two types. Types of granularity locks: 1) Large grained 2) Small grained
Example: Bank database Small granularity locks: Larger concurrency can achieved. Large granularity locks: Some times saves from unserializable behavior.
Warning locks The solution to the problem of managing locks at different granularities involves a new kind of lock called a “Warning.“ It is helpful in hierarchical or nested structure. It involves both “ordinary” locks and “warning” locks. Ordinary locks: Shared(S) and Exclusive(X) locks. Warning locks: Intention to shared(IS) and Intention to Exclusive(IX) locks.
Warning Protocols These are the rules to be followed while putting locks on different elements. 1. To place an ordinary S or X lock on any element. we must begin at the root of the hierarchy. 2. If we are at the element that we want to lock, we need look no further. We request lock there only 3. If the element is down in hierarchy then place warning lock on that node respective of shared and exclusive locks and then Move on to appropriate child and then try steps 2 or 3 and until you go to desired node and then request shared or exclusive lock.
Compatibility Matrix IS column: Conflicts only on X lock. IX column: Conflicts on S and X locks. S column: Conflicts on X and IX locks. X column: Conflicts every locks. ISIXSX ISYES NO IXYES N O SYESNOYESNO X
Warning Protocols Consider the relation: M o v i e ( t i t l e, year, length, studioName) Transaction1 (T1): SELECT * FROM Movie WHERE title = 'King Kong'; Transaction2(T2): UPDATE Movie SET year = 1939 WHERE title = 'Gone With the Wind';
Phantoms and Handling Insertions When ever some transaction inserts sub elements to the node being locked then there may be problem like serializability issues. Lets have transaction 3 (T3) to be executed: SELECT SUM(length) FROM Movie WHERE studioName = ‘Disney’ But at the same time the transaction t4 inserts the new movie of ‘Disney’ studio. Then what happens if t3 gets executed and t4 afterwards that sum will be incorrect. But solution could be we could treat the insert or delete transaction like writing operation with exclusive locks at that time this problem gets solved.