Fought between Aug. 16 and 24, 1760 Last major battle of the French & Indian War Last defense of French before Montreal fell to British
3 pronged attack Gen. Amherst set out from Oswego w/ 10,000 men. 2 British ships headed up St. Lawrence River _indian_war.htm _indian_war.htm L'Outaouaise by Thomas Davis, 1760, held by the National Gallery of Canada
French led by Capt. Pierre Pouchot were building Fort Levis on Chimney Island (Ile Royale) Fort la Presentation & Pointe-au-Baril were abandoned
Gen. Amherst sailed up from Oswego Set up batteries at Pointe-au-Baril Fired at Fort de Levis
British Col. George Williamson crippled French ship l’Outaouaise Became British ship HMS Williamson General Amherst
French sank Williamson and Onondaga British beached Mohawk British use “hot shot” against Fort Levis
French ran out of ammunition Capt. Pouchot surrendered British renamed fort William Augustus Continued on to Montreal
About 73 British soldiers died About 300 French soldiers Other British soldiers joined Amherst from Quebec City and Lake Champlain Archive/tabid/393/articl eType/ArticleView/articl eId/249/1760-quotBattle- of-the-Thousand- Islandsquot.aspx Archive/tabid/393/articl eType/ArticleView/articl eId/249/1760-quotBattle- of-the-Thousand- Islandsquot.aspx
aps/feature- map,ftc,1,fid,976126,n,chimney%20islan d.cfm aps/feature- map,ftc,1,fid,976126,n,chimney%20islan d.cfm
In the 1950s the St. Lawrence River was deepened and locks were added to allow more shipping Great engineering feat Horrible for archaeology
Chimney Island was never examined by trained archaeologists Half of the island was dug up and dumped on the other half!
d_indian_war.htm d_indian_war.htm 6/painting-from-the-battle-of-the- thousand-islands-in-the-seven-years- war/ 6/painting-from-the-battle-of-the- thousand-islands-in-the-seven-years- war/ x_fortsE_L/levisFort.gif x_fortsE_L/levisFort.gif
baril+french+and+indian+war&hl=en&gbv=2&b iw=1008&bih=549&tbm=isch&tbnid=P0F_V5Mo gGxSUM:&imgrefurl= Framework.htm&docid=0tcRZPo8McAJTM&imgu rl= mages/Maps/Deshayes.jpg&w=2292&h=2228&ei =VDSsTpGeD4rg0QG8152MDw&zoom=1&iact=h c&vpx=81&vpy=247&dur=621&hovh=221&hovw =228&tx=117&ty=114&sig= &page=1&tbnh=108&tbnw=109&start=0&nds p=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:00 ca png/340px-NorthAmerica png ca png/340px-NorthAmerica png he/2935-map-assoc.jpg he/2935-map-assoc.jpg wn/newengland-montreal_map-sm.jpg wn/newengland-montreal_map-sm.jpg /feature- map,ftc,1,fid,976126,n, m
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