Nevi’im - History
1.Regarding the canonization of the Tanakh? a)It happened on three distinct occasions b)Was completed in council of Jamnia 80 AD c)Most scholars believe it was gradual. d)Was accomplished by Qumran community e)Was completed by the Masoretes Post -Test
2. In the Tanakh, The “Ketuvim” contains: a)Seven groups b)Eleven books c)The Migelloth (The scrolls) d)Poetic books e)All of the above Post-test
3.In the Hebrew Tanakh, The Book of Daniel is: a)A book of the Nevi'im (prophets) b)Part of the Megilloth (five book scroll) c)A book of the Ketuvim d)Was canonized at the time of Ezra e)None of the above Post-Test
4.The “Tripartite” division of the Tanakh has evidence from: a)Dead Sea Scrolls b)The prologue to the Wisdom of Joshua son of Sirach c)Luke d)All of the above Post-test
5.For the Qumran community, their canon included all except: a)Daniel b)The book of Jubilee c)Sirach d)Isaiah e)Esther Post- Test
5.In the history of developing the Masoretic Bible: a)The first era is the era of the sages b)Qumran community had developed the Masorah c)Masorah - Magna refers to vowel -points d)The Masoretic era extends from 9th to 15 century e) There are 3 eras. Post - Test
1.What is the meaning of Deuteronomistic history? a)History written from the perspective of Deuteronomy b) History of the world written by Jewish people c)Not true history, but a moral story d)Fulfillments of Deuteronomy prophetic blessings and curses e)a & d Pre -Test
2.A prophet is: a)Someone who God sends to tell His people what shall happen to them b)Someone who can make miracles c)Someone who speaks on behalf of God d)Can be male or female e)All of the above Pre-test
3.In the Hebrew Tanakh, The Book of Daniel is: a)A book of the Nevi'im (prophets) b)Part of the Megilloth (five book scroll) c)A book of the Ketuvim d)Was canonized at the time of Ezra e)None of the above Pre-Test
4.The “Tripartite” division of the Tanakh has evidence from: a)Dead Sea Scrolls b)The prologue to the Wisdom of Joshua son of Sirach c)Luke d)All of the above Pre-test
5.For the Qumran community, their canon included all except: a)Daniel b)The book of Jubilee c)Sirach d)Isaiah e)Esther Pre- Test
5.The Septuagint canon: a)Is Tripartite, like the Hebrew canon b)Alexandrian canon has 24 books c)Palestinian canon contain 24 books d)Differs from the Masoretic, only in organization of books Pre - Test
The five books from Deuteronomy through Kings fit so well together that they could be called the deuteronomistic history it is impossible to speak of a totally unified purpose or interest in the compilation of the books Deuteronomistic History
Gk “ prophetes ” meaning one who acts or speaks on behalf of another (God). Hebrew “ nabi” from “nabu ” to call Either proclaiming a message from God or the prophet is the messenger (by signs, visions, dreams, Divine insight/inspiration, appearances/visitations, parables and events) Heb1:1 Sometimes speaks on behalf of people (intercessor) Moses called Nabi which means prophet while nebia was used for leadership of two women Miriam and Deborah. During the time of Samuel this term was being applied to a special Israelite society (Elijah) Prophet
It is not telling the future Not always interested in changing behavior – sometimes, punishment Two views of the prophetic work: 1. Jewish Tradition: relate to Torah 2.Protestant interpretation: antinominal Prophecy
1.The settlement of the people in the Promise Land 2.The transition from rule by judges to rule by kings 3.David’s anointing as king of the United Kingdom 4.The division of the nation into Northern and Southern Factions 5.The destruction of the Northern Kingdom 6.The exile and return of the Southern Kingdom 7.The Jewish revolt & renovation under the Maccabees *Review Book order of the 16 books of History; these books cover a period of 1500 years. Major events covered by these books are:
Similarities to Deuteronomy: 1.Begins with the death of Moses and ends with the death Joshua 2.Crossing the Jordan into the promised land 3.Many quotations from Deuteronomy 4.Include a series of speeches by Joshua, the leaders, and God 5.The focus on the covenant is central to Joshua Some scholars speak of the Hexateuch Introduction to the Book of Joshua
Contents of the Book Persons : Joshua, Rehab 24 chapters made of two parts Conquest of Canaan (Chapters 1-13), chapter 6 contains the famous story of Jericho Settlement in Canaan (Chapters 13-24) Where is Jericho?