Literary Analysis Essay Prep
Coming of Age The Catcher in the Rye The Perks of Being a Wallflower (American) Dreams vs. Reality Of Mice and Men The Glass Menagerie
How is American life portrayed during this time?
1950s, New York City “Teenager” culture emerges Clean teens vs. Beatniks/Rebels Behavior Rules: Don’t think about sex Hide your emotions
1990s, Pennsylvania Electronic culture (technological advances) The internet! Increased liberal thought Looser behavioral expectations
1930s, California The Great Depression Dust Bowl Migrant workers
1930s, St. Louis The Great Depression Racism “Southern charm”
Literary Fight Club
LAURA WINGFIELDPHOEBE CAULFIELD The Glass Menagerie Tom’s sister “Crippled” Shy Insecure Kind 20s, but lives home Mom tells her what to do The Catcher in the Rye Holden’s younger sister 10 years-old Strong-spirited/sassy Keeps Holden in line Emotional
STRADLATERLENNIE SMALLS The Catcher in the Rye Holden’s roommate Beats Holden up “Player” Arrogant Athletic Of Mice and Men Mental disability Huge/Strong Kind-hearted George (best friend) takes care of him
PATRICK “NOTHING”CURLEY The Perks of Being a Wallflower Sam’s stepbrother Charlie’s friend Gay; in a secret relationship with the quarterback Kind-hearted/accepting Frustrated with relationship/lonely Of Mice and Men Boss’s son; arrogant Married to woman who flirts with the other men “Whipped” by wife Short/“Napolean Complex” Aggressive/Picks fights
The Glass Menagerie Husband left her Controlling mother of Tom and Laura Nostalgic for past and 17 gentlemen callers Overly concerned with appearance CURLEY’S WIFEAMANDA WINGFIELD Of Mice and Men Married (unhappily) to Curley Flirts with guys on farm Mean-spirited Killed by Lennie
GEORGE MILTONTOM WINGFIELD The Glass Menagerie Hard-working Dreamy/Longs for something more Feels trapped Stubborn Hot-headed Of Mice and Men Best friends with Lennie Leader – Lennie does what he says Smart Hard-working Aspires to a greater life
CANDYCROOKS Of Mice and Men One hand Old Carlson shoots his dog Longs for companionship Eager to work Of Mice and Men Black Crooked back Frustrated (at society/racism) Bitter Isolates self
CHARLIEHOLDEN CAULFIELD The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mentally unstable (ends up in mental hospital) Emotional Scared Innocent Desperate for friends Loyal to those he loves The Catcher in the Rye Mentally unstable (ends up in mental hospital) Tries to hide emotions Only friend is sister In love with Jane Liar Mean/Rude Thinks everything is phony
SAMJANE The Perks of Being a Wallflower Charlie is in love with her He thinks she’s perfect Older/More mature Jaded Understanding The Catcher in the Rye Holden is in love with her He thinks she’s perfect Childhood friends/neighbors Protects herself/doesn’t like feeling vulnerable Respects herself Mature
What are some overlapping themes/concepts?
What essay questions might you see on your midterm? How will you respond to these questions?
Your essay should be argument-based You NEED a thesis Support your thesis with specific text references Tie all support back to your thesis Follow instructions in your conclusion