Technology OBN Pitch
Current Membership Number of Members ~ 55 Experience 1 Aspirations
Technology OBN Member’s Aspirations 2 Industry roles in the Information Technology, Telecom, Embedded Systems and Biotech sectors. Consulting role in technology led business change and tech strategy Technology-based entrepreneurship, Start ups Social Impact of Technology and Media Innovations in biotech, nanotech, cleantech Knowledge Share and ideas exchange
Core Objectives 3 Provide a forum/platform for exchange of ideas and networking within members of the MBA class, SBS Alumni and with the Oxford community Network with the industry to generate employment or business venture opportunities and put SBS on the recruiting map of more Technology companies Raise the profile of Technology within SBS and outside
Targeted Activities 4 Guest Speakers Tech Strategy Business Case Competition Treks Lobby and communicate within SBS and the Oxford Community Raise sponsorships
Proposed OBN Structure Co-Chair Event Co- ordinator(s) General coordination Marketing & PR Treasurer Sector Leads OBN Activities Note : Please refer to Technology OBN details document for details of roles 5 Careers Rep
Guest Speakers 6 Suggested at least one speaker per term. Each event will cost us around £200/- at most if school provides us the venue and we are inviting leaders based in the UK Possible Leaders? Tom Alexander, CEO of Everything Everywhere (UK’s largest Telco) Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce Industry leader from TATA group
Tech Strategy Business Case Competition 7 The prize money is $25000/-. Participation, unfortunately, is only by invitation and the dates may possibly clash with exams. We are working on securing an invitation and clarifying exam dates. We will have to probably spend for the tickets. Are we open to organising one if we cannot participate in one?? Which? International Tech Strategy Business Case Competition, Boston University March,2011
Treks 8 Treks will be members led and supported by a Coordinator. If a group of members are interested in visiting a number of companies in Silicon Valley, London or APAC, a trek can be organised to those locations. Possible Locations? Silicon Valley (Established Players) London APAC
PR and Marketing 9 To network across OBNs, faculty, Industry and Oxford Community to both keep the group updated and position the group and SBS positively. Areas of Influence? SBS, other OBNs, Oxford Community, alumni Industry SVCO
Thank You 10
Questions ? 11