UNIT-1 Technical Communication What is Communication? What is the difference between technical and general communication?
The word ‘technical’ means application of scientific methods and machinery. To convey the facts, figures, ideas and all types of scientific and technical information is Technical Communication. Technical Communication primarily consists of responding specialized information for the practical use of readers/listeners who need that information. The word ‘technical’ means application of scientific methods and machinery. To convey the facts, figures, ideas and all types of scientific and technical information is Technical Communication. Technical Communication primarily consists of responding specialized information for the practical use of readers/listeners who need that information.
Technical Communication is of two types: Oral and Written Communication whether technical or non-technical is the complex two-way process, involving encoding, translation and the decoding of the messages. The effective communication requires a communicator to translate the message in the way which is specifically designed for the intended audience. Creating and delivering the effective presentation requires basic understanding of the communication process. Most of the business presentations require a clear and an unambiguous communication of the message in the way which can be clearly understood by a recipient. Communication whether technical or non-technical is the complex two-way process, involving encoding, translation and the decoding of the messages. The effective communication requires a communicator to translate the message in the way which is specifically designed for the intended audience. Creating and delivering the effective presentation requires basic understanding of the communication process. Most of the business presentations require a clear and an unambiguous communication of the message in the way which can be clearly understood by a recipient.
Meaning and Definition of Communication “Communication is an exchange of facts,ideas,opinions or emotions by two or more persons”. (Newman and Summer) “Communication is an exchange of facts,ideas,opinions or emotions by two or more persons”. (Newman and Summer) Communication is the sum of all the things which a person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.” (Locus A. Allen) Communication is the sum of all the things which a person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.” (Locus A. Allen)
Types of Communication Non- Verbal Communication Non- Verbal Communication Verbal Communication Verbal Communication Written Communication Written Communication
Meaning of Non- Verbal Communication The term ‘non-verbal’ means ‘without words’. The term ‘non-verbal’ means ‘without words’. Thus non-verbal communication is the communication in which no words are used. Thus non-verbal communication is the communication in which no words are used. The person who wants to communicate some messages to another, uses his expressions (body language). The person who wants to communicate some messages to another, uses his expressions (body language).
Verbal Communication or oral communication The term ‘verbal’ means anything relating to ‘mouth’. Thus, verbal or oral communication is the form of communication in which a message is transmitted in spoken words. The term ‘verbal’ means anything relating to ‘mouth’. Thus, verbal or oral communication is the form of communication in which a message is transmitted in spoken words. In the process of verbal communication, the sender and receiver exchange their messages either through face to face communication or through some mechanical device. In the process of verbal communication, the sender and receiver exchange their messages either through face to face communication or through some mechanical device.
WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Written communication is the form of communication in which messages are exchanged in written or printed form. It may be through letters, reports, graphs, charts, notices,circulars,newspapers,magazines etc. Written communication is the form of communication in which messages are exchanged in written or printed form. It may be through letters, reports, graphs, charts, notices,circulars,newspapers,magazines etc. It includes and Fax also. It is a formal type of communication. It includes and Fax also. It is a formal type of communication.
Technical Communication To convey the facts, figures, ideas and all types scientific and technical information is Technical communication. Technical communication primarily consists of reporting specialized information for the practical use of readers/listeners who need that information. To convey the facts, figures, ideas and all types scientific and technical information is Technical communication. Technical communication primarily consists of reporting specialized information for the practical use of readers/listeners who need that information.
Difference between Technical and General Communication General communication is personal and subjective while technical communication is impersonal and objective. General communication is personal and subjective while technical communication is impersonal and objective. General communication is expressive and connotative whereas technical communication is descriptive and denotative. General communication is expressive and connotative whereas technical communication is descriptive and denotative. General communication is ambiguous but technical communication conveys only one meaning. General communication is ambiguous but technical communication conveys only one meaning.
General communication allows different interpretation whereas technical communication allows only one interpretation. General communication allows different interpretation whereas technical communication allows only one interpretation. General communication is accurate and precise while technical communication is poetic and figurative. General communication is accurate and precise while technical communication is poetic and figurative. General communication may follow pompous choice of words but technical communication should be simple and effective. General communication may follow pompous choice of words but technical communication should be simple and effective. General communication is done for pleasure whereas technical communication is done for specific purpose. General communication is done for pleasure whereas technical communication is done for specific purpose.
Common words are used in general communication while technical words are used in technical communication. Common words are used in general communication while technical words are used in technical communication. General communication is done for all but technical communication is done for specific purpose and for people. General communication is done for all but technical communication is done for specific purpose and for people.
COMMUNICATION- C- Clarity C- Clarity O- Objectivity O- Objectivity M-Mutual M-Mutual M-measurable M-measurable U- Utility U- Utility N-Notable N-Notable I- Impact I- Impact C- Content C- Content A- Approach A- Approach T- Timely T- Timely I- International I- International Observational Observational N- Notion N- Notion
Downward Communication Downward Communication Upward Communication Upward Communication Lateral or Horizontal (Peer groups) Lateral or Horizontal (Peer groups) FLOW OF COMMUNICATION
MEANING OF DOWNWARD COMMUNICATION When a message flows from higher authorities to subordinates, it is called downward communication. When a message flows from higher authorities to subordinates, it is called downward communication. It flows downward in the line of authority from superiors to subordinates. It flows downward in the line of authority from superiors to subordinates. Usually, it includes orders, directives and instructions. It can be illustrated as under: Usually, it includes orders, directives and instructions. It can be illustrated as under:
FORMS OF DOWNWARD COMM. Written: Orders, instructions, programs, news letters, bulletins, manuals etc. are in the written form. Written: Orders, instructions, programs, news letters, bulletins, manuals etc. are in the written form. Oral: Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Discussions etc. are in the oral form. Oral: Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Discussions etc. are in the oral form.
Messages Covered in Downward communication Orders,instructions and guidelines issued by managers to their subordinates. Orders,instructions and guidelines issued by managers to their subordinates. Enquiries from subordinates about their performance. Enquiries from subordinates about their performance. Information regarding organizational policies,rules,procedures,programs and goals. Information regarding organizational policies,rules,procedures,programs and goals. Information regarding progress and failures of organization. Information regarding progress and failures of organization.
MERITS OF DOWNWARD COMM. Explanation of Organizational Goals, Plans and Policies Explanation of Organizational Goals, Plans and Policies Helpful in Planning Helpful in Planning Helpful in Controlling Helpful in Controlling
Demerits of Downward communication-- Delay in Communication Delay in Communication Loss of Information Loss of Information Non- Participative Communication Non- Participative Communication
MEANING OF UPWARD COMMU. Upward communication is a form of communication in which information flows from bottom to top. Upward communication is a form of communication in which information flows from bottom to top. It flows upward in the line of authority from subordinates to superiors. It flows upward in the line of authority from subordinates to superiors. This form is usually used to communicate the problems,grievance,suggestions and reaction of workers to managers. This form is usually used to communicate the problems,grievance,suggestions and reaction of workers to managers.
FORMAL OF UPWARD COMM WRITTEN:- Progress WRITTEN:- Progress reports, organizational problems and suggestions are generally in the written form. reports, organizational problems and suggestions are generally in the written form. ORAL:- Grievances and discussion are generally in the oral form. ORAL:- Grievances and discussion are generally in the oral form.
HORIZONTAL OR LATERAL FLOW- This is between people of same level in a business usually in the same department, but sometimes communication between departments. This is some times known as peer communication. It is normally used to co-ordinate work. This is between people of same level in a business usually in the same department, but sometimes communication between departments. This is some times known as peer communication. It is normally used to co-ordinate work.
FEATURES OF COMMUNICATION Two-way Process Two-way Process Information sharing and understanding Information sharing and understanding Verbal and Non-Verbal Verbal and Non-Verbal Circular Flow Circular Flow Goal Oriented Goal Oriented Continuous process Continuous process Pervasive activity Pervasive activity
Barriers to communication— Communication barriers are the obstacles arising in communication process. These barriers may arise at any stage of communication process, i.e. while the message is developed, transmitted, received or interpreted. Due to these obstacles, what is to be communicated does not get communicated. Message is not received in its original form. Communication barriers are the obstacles arising in communication process. These barriers may arise at any stage of communication process, i.e. while the message is developed, transmitted, received or interpreted. Due to these obstacles, what is to be communicated does not get communicated. Message is not received in its original form.
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Communication barriers may be classified into five parts: Communication barriers may be classified into five parts: Physical and Mechanical Barriers Physical and Mechanical Barriers Semantic or Language Barriers Semantic or Language Barriers Organizational or status Barriers Organizational or status Barriers Emotional or perceptional Barriers Emotional or perceptional Barriers Personal Barrier Personal Barrier
Physical or Mechanical Barriers Noise: Communication process may get disturbed due to the presence of noise. It may be: Human noise, traffic noise, noise of machines, noise due to faulty telephone and electric lines, noise due to people coming and going, etc. Noise: Communication process may get disturbed due to the presence of noise. It may be: Human noise, traffic noise, noise of machines, noise due to faulty telephone and electric lines, noise due to people coming and going, etc. Mental Disturbance: Sometimes psychological disturbance may also cause physical barriers in communication. These may be: mental tension, ego clash, tiredness, worry, headache etc. Mental Disturbance: Sometimes psychological disturbance may also cause physical barriers in communication. These may be: mental tension, ego clash, tiredness, worry, headache etc. Time Barrier: Sometimes time may also become a barrier in communication process. It arises when sender and receiver of a message are living at different places. Time Barrier: Sometimes time may also become a barrier in communication process. It arises when sender and receiver of a message are living at different places.
Distance Barrier: Distance between the sender and receiver is also a barrier in communication. Telephone and internet facilities are not available at every place; postal services are not very effective. Distance Barrier: Distance between the sender and receiver is also a barrier in communication. Telephone and internet facilities are not available at every place; postal services are not very effective. Other Barrier: Poor lightening, mechanical fault in the channel of communication, excessive messages etc.also cause problems in the way of communication Other Barrier: Poor lightening, mechanical fault in the channel of communication, excessive messages etc.also cause problems in the way of communication
. Semantic or language Barriers: The term ‘Semantic’ means a study of words. Semantic barriers are the barriers related to language. Difficulties in the use, expression and understanding of language create such barrier as under: The term ‘Semantic’ means a study of words. Semantic barriers are the barriers related to language. Difficulties in the use, expression and understanding of language create such barrier as under:
Use of Technical words: People working in technical, administrative, medical and judiciary groups use technical language. If the sender and receiver of a message belong to different fields, use of such language creates communication barriers. Use of Technical words: People working in technical, administrative, medical and judiciary groups use technical language. If the sender and receiver of a message belong to different fields, use of such language creates communication barriers. Use of idioms and Phrases: People of literary taste, use idioms and phrases in their communication to make it decorative and interesting. If the receiver is unable to understand their meaning, it causes a communication barrier. Use of idioms and Phrases: People of literary taste, use idioms and phrases in their communication to make it decorative and interesting. If the receiver is unable to understand their meaning, it causes a communication barrier.
Use of Denotative and Connotative words: The words that do indicate neither positive ness nor negative ness are called denotative. Example: Pen, book, telephone, office etc. The words that indicate either positive ness or negative ness are called connotative words. Example: intelligent, dull, honest, dishonest, expensive, cheap, tasty etc. Some are the words that have both, positive and negative meanings. Use of such words causes a communication barrier. Use of Denotative and Connotative words: The words that do indicate neither positive ness nor negative ness are called denotative. Example: Pen, book, telephone, office etc. The words that indicate either positive ness or negative ness are called connotative words. Example: intelligent, dull, honest, dishonest, expensive, cheap, tasty etc. Some are the words that have both, positive and negative meanings. Use of such words causes a communication barrier. Unreal Assumption: Sometimes sender of a message assumes that receiver knows basic facts of this information and, therefore, it is enough to tell him only the latest developments. If this assumption is wrong, communication fails to serve the purpose. Unreal Assumption: Sometimes sender of a message assumes that receiver knows basic facts of this information and, therefore, it is enough to tell him only the latest developments. If this assumption is wrong, communication fails to serve the purpose.
Organizational or status Barriers Organizational structure affects the capability and efficiency of employees in a significant manner. If it is faulty, it creates a number of barriers in communication as under Organizational structure affects the capability and efficiency of employees in a significant manner. If it is faulty, it creates a number of barriers in communication as under
Faulty Polices and Rules: Ambiguous policies and rules may create a number of communication barriers. Similarly strict discipline may also cause communication barriers. It is what makes informal communication more popular. Faulty Polices and Rules: Ambiguous policies and rules may create a number of communication barriers. Similarly strict discipline may also cause communication barriers. It is what makes informal communication more popular. (ii) Status Relationship: If there is formal division of work and status, effectiveness of communication may suffer, particularly if a message is to move from bottom to top. It is so because there is a lurking fear in the mind of workers and employees that communication may be faulty. (ii) Status Relationship: If there is formal division of work and status, effectiveness of communication may suffer, particularly if a message is to move from bottom to top. It is so because there is a lurking fear in the mind of workers and employees that communication may be faulty. (iii) Long Scalar Chain: More the number of managerial levels in an organization, more difficult communication it will be. Large number of managerial levels is a barrier in effective communication may not be possible. (iii) Long Scalar Chain: More the number of managerial levels in an organization, more difficult communication it will be. Large number of managerial levels is a barrier in effective communication may not be possible.
Lack of Organizational Facilities: If proper and sufficient organizational facilities like stationary, telephone, office equipment, office furniture etc. is not available, effective communication may not be possible. Lack of Organizational Facilities: If proper and sufficient organizational facilities like stationary, telephone, office equipment, office furniture etc. is not available, effective communication may not be possible.
Emotional or Perceptional Barriers 1. If the mental condition of sender or receiver or both is not favorable, communication cannot be effective. Important emotional barriers are as under:
Behavior and Attitudes: Every person has a different behavior and attitudes. If the behavior and attitude of sender are different from that of receiver, communication cannot be effective. If there is a change in organizational policies and he it is contrary to the behavior and attitude of workers, it may invite the opposition of workers. Behavior and Attitudes: Every person has a different behavior and attitudes. If the behavior and attitude of sender are different from that of receiver, communication cannot be effective. If there is a change in organizational policies and he it is contrary to the behavior and attitude of workers, it may invite the opposition of workers. Emotions: Effectiveness of communication is affected by the nature and emotions of both the sender and receiver of message. If the sender or receiver is angry, tense, excited or afraid, communication cannot be effective. Emotions: Effectiveness of communication is affected by the nature and emotions of both the sender and receiver of message. If the sender or receiver is angry, tense, excited or afraid, communication cannot be effective.
Status Consciousness: Organizational positions and status also affect communication. Senior managers do not like to discuss the things with their subordinates. Status Consciousness: Organizational positions and status also affect communication. Senior managers do not like to discuss the things with their subordinates. Poor Retention: Scientific studies have established that there is a limit of retention of information. About 30% facts. It causes a major barrier in effective communication. Poor Retention: Scientific studies have established that there is a limit of retention of information. About 30% facts. It causes a major barrier in effective communication. Other Barriers: If the receiver is having an evaluation in his mind about the giver or message, it causes a hindrance in the exchange of information. Similarly, if a person feels that he knows everything he has to do, it also causes a barrier to effective communication. Other Barriers: If the receiver is having an evaluation in his mind about the giver or message, it causes a hindrance in the exchange of information. Similarly, if a person feels that he knows everything he has to do, it also causes a barrier to effective communication.
Personal Barriers Attitudes of Superiors: If superiors have positive attitude, communication will be ineffective. Sometimes, superiors do not want to convey the facts to subordinates. Attitudes of Superiors: If superiors have positive attitude, communication will be ineffective. Sometimes, superiors do not want to convey the facts to subordinates. Lack of Confidence: If superiors feel that their subordinates are not capable and efficient they would ignore the information or suggestions, sent by their subordinates. Lack of Confidence: If superiors feel that their subordinates are not capable and efficient they would ignore the information or suggestions, sent by their subordinates.
Unwillingness to Communicate: If the superiors and subordinates are not willing to communicate with each other, effective communication cannot be possible. It may be so because of the fear that a particular message will be against their interest. Unwillingness to Communicate: If the superiors and subordinates are not willing to communicate with each other, effective communication cannot be possible. It may be so because of the fear that a particular message will be against their interest. Lack of Attention: If superiors or subordinates are not paying proper attention to the message, communication cannot be effective. Lack of Attention: If superiors or subordinates are not paying proper attention to the message, communication cannot be effective.
How to remove communication Barriers— Purposeful Communication Purposeful Communication Clear and Brief Message Clear and Brief Message Use of Seven C’s Use of Seven C’s Continuous Process Continuous Process Adequate Facilities Adequate Facilities Mutual Faith and Trust Mutual Faith and Trust Appropriate Language Appropriate Language Proper Medium and Transmission Technique Proper Medium and Transmission Technique Emphasizing Key Points Emphasizing Key Points Eliminate Environmental Barriers Eliminate Environmental Barriers Facilities Feedback Facilities Feedback
LANGUAGE AS A TOOL OF COMMUNICATION Communication is a way to express our feelings and ideas. Communication may be verbal or non-verbal. Man can communicate even without using a language. The face of a man becomes red when he gets excited. A baby cries when he is hungry. In both the cases, communication is done without the use of language. If we have to proceed in society; if we have to live in the business world of today, we need to know how to communicate effectively with the medium of language. Communication is a way to express our feelings and ideas. Communication may be verbal or non-verbal. Man can communicate even without using a language. The face of a man becomes red when he gets excited. A baby cries when he is hungry. In both the cases, communication is done without the use of language. If we have to proceed in society; if we have to live in the business world of today, we need to know how to communicate effectively with the medium of language.
Imagine how you will do written communication without having the skills of language. Communication is done in both written and oral ways. Any mode of communication may have upper hand in any situation. People of different nationalities can share their views with one another only if they know one another’s language. It is the language which distinguishes man from the animal world. Imagine how you will do written communication without having the skills of language. Communication is done in both written and oral ways. Any mode of communication may have upper hand in any situation. People of different nationalities can share their views with one another only if they know one another’s language. It is the language which distinguishes man from the animal world.