Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Overview of Local and Digital Content Strategy of South Africa: Creation, Distribution and Access Presentation to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Roll-Out and Local Content Development; CSIR Conference Center, Pretoria Mr. Themba Phiri, Deputy Director- General, DoC 28 May
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Presentation Outline Background Focus of the Strategy Discussion of Issues Conclusion 2
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Background Cabinet mandated the Department of Communications (DoC) to develop a strategy on how to increase local content output in South Africa, as part of implementing the Digital Migration Policy. At the end of 2009, the Department published the Local Digital Content Development Strategy for public comment and nineteen (19) written submissions were received. Subsequently, the DoC held a Local Content Summit from 6 to 7 May 2010, to solicit further input from stakeholders. On 6 October 2010, a key Stakeholder Workshop on Local Digital Content Strategy was held to receive further input into the strategy. The DoC convened further consultations with key stakeholders: the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) on 21 August 2013 and the production industry at the NFVF event at Birchwood in
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Strategic Focus The Local Digital Content Development Strategy is formulated to support the development of the content sector and to promote the sector’s contribution towards socio-economic development, job creation and social cohesion. The strategy seeks to create a highly competitive content industry that has a strong export potential in accordance with the National Industrial Policy Framework. Strategy and Legislative Environment Current frameworks such as the White Paper on Broadcasting, the Broadcasting Act No. 4 of 1999, the Electronic Communications Act No. 36 of 2005 (ECA), the Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy (2013), the Policy for Open Source Software Standards, the National Broadband Policy (2013) support the development of the Local Digital Content Development Strategy. The converging of the ICT sector has regulatory implications for content development. As a result, the Local Digital Content Development Strategy acknowledges the converging content platforms, and their roles in content development and distribution. 4
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Essentials to Achieve Objectives The following is essential in order to achieve the Objectives of the Strategy:- Funding and infrastructure investments; Encouragement of the promotion of content from historically disadvantaged groups; Empowerment of historically disadvantaged persons such as women, youth and people with disabilities; and Development and promotion of Small, Medium & Micro Enterprise Businesses (SMMEs) in the local content development industry. 5
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Required Interventions Encouragement of entry into the market by new role-players and SMMEs Complementing Commission driven industry with other content development avenues To stimulate and sustain production activities, the following are encouraged:- Investment in Human Capital and Skills Development Comprehensive Support for Industrial Growth Prioritising Content Areas to launch Digital content in South Africa. Provision of Infrastructure for creative industries Using Intellectual Property Protection and Copyrights to create jobs Empowerment of Rural Communities Access to Government Information Services and enhancing the value of Public Sector Information Global Positioning of Local Content To Increase Export Opportunities of Local Content Regulating Local Digital Content 6
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development Other Interventions Other interventions recognised by the Local Digital Content Development Strategy Converged platforms can play an important role in promoting local content; Accordingly, the local quota system should include converged platforms; The Broadcasting Digital Migration (BDM) policy also provides the basis for the promotion of local content in a multichannel environment and thus enables the expansion of dissemination of local content in all official languages; The BDM policy also makes provision for ICASA to review and develop local content quotas relevant to the multichannel environment; The National Broadband Policy promotes affordable and high speed broadband which will improve the quality of education and access to Government services; In addition, broadband based platforms have the potential to drive local content development, uptake and usage; The role of Open Source Standards in the delivery of e-Government services is also acknowledged in facilitating access to services such as education, health and economic opportunities; The availability of social media platforms enables the users to create and distribute user generated content; The Local Digital Content Strategy acknowledges the role of mobile operators in the distribution and promotion of local content, i.e. music based ringtones offerings and other service based platforms. 7
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development IMPLEMENTATION PLAN An operating model for the CGHs through the MDDA and (Universal Service and Acess Agency of South Africa) USAASA has to be developed and funding for such be sourced. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL OR INTER-SECTORAL RESPONSIBILITY The promotion of the local and digital content is an inter-departmental or inter- sectoral responsibility. Collaborative efforts are crucial for building a sustainable digital content sector in the South Africa. This ensures that content activities are coordinated and monitored in accordance with the objectives of this strategy. The Local Content Advisory Body, representing government, industry and other related sectors should be established to monitor the implementation of the Local ad Digital Content development Strategy in South Africa. The Advisory Body shall build and expand on the work of the South African Production Advisory Body established in terms of section 38 of the Broadcasting Act (Act no 4 of 1999). 8
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