Musculoskeletal Services Procurement Market Engagement and Information Sharing Event Darent Valley Hospital 13 th January 2016 Welcome!
Agenda TIMEITEMPRESENTER 09:30 Registration, tea & coffee, and networking 10:00 Welcome & IntroductionsChris Singleton (DGS CCG) 10:20Commissioning Intentions for MSK Services Dionne McCaffrey (DGS CCG) Kerry Smith (Swale CCG) 10:35 Procurement ProcessSandra Asiedu (Medway Council Procurement Services) 10:45 Table DiscussionsAll 11:45 FeedbackAll 12:15Next stepsChris Singleton 12:25Close
Introductions Chris SingletonCommissioning Programme Manager, DGS CCG Dionne McCaffreyCommissioning Project Manager, DGS CCG Jo BeechCommissioning Project Manager, DGS CCG Debbie PyartCommissioning Programme Manager, Swale CCG Kerry SmithProject Support Commissioner, Swale CCG Sandra AsieduMedway Council Procurement Services 3
Purpose of the Event … Is to… Share information Bring Provider expertise and insight to discussions Collectively define what ‘Good’ should look like Identify opportunities to improve the model Identify gaps and risks with proposals Challenge thinking and guide commissioners on the model
Commissioning Intentions for MSK Dionne McCaffrey
6 About Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley CCG Registered practice population of 249, GP Practices Dartford and Gravesham account for just over 23% (24,900) of the total Kent County’s BME population (108,000) Key to the CCGs clinical vision is to, Ensure the healthcare system works better for patients, with a focus on right care, right time, right place Safeguard vital services, prioritising patients’ with the greatest health needs and ensuring that there is clinical evidence behind every decision Improve or maintain quality whilst making efficient use of available resources.
7 About Swale CCG Population 108, GP Practices Covers Sittingbourne, The Isle of Sheppey and Teynham High Deprivation Aim to improve access, quality, value for money and choice of services in appropriate settings and where possible closer to home
The aim of this procurement Transition from AQP to a lead provider model to create a more integrated pathway Move from head and neck provision to full body physiotherapy services in line will all other Kent CCGs, thus creating a uniform and consistent approach for Kent patients As part of the commissioning intentions, the CCGs clinical and financial performance committees have agreed the move to a lead provider model CURRENT: AQP Model DGS: Head & Neck Physiotherapy Swale: Full Body Physiotherapy FUTURE: Lead Provider Model Both CCG’s: Full Body Physiotherapy
Expected Outcomes Patients Equivalent clinical outcomes irrespective of location of treatment clinic Easier access to services Services that are provided closer to home Better quality of service An opportunity to gain advice on self-care and management from health care professionals via patient education and information Provider Strong links established with primary care Reduction in the number of referrals to secondary care Structured GP/referring clinician education CCG Better use of existing resources, particularly with regards to the Lead Provider model approach Improved capacity to manage demand
Procurement Process Sandra Asiedu Medway Council Procurement Services
Tendering Process Proposed Procedure: Restricted Procedure 2-Stage Process Stage 1 – Selection / Pre-qualification Stage 2 – Invitation to Tender Advert in OJEU – EU wide notice Followed by ITT published on Kent Business Portal and Contracts Finder
Kent Business Portal Register free & Select relevant categories Notification when tender published All documentation on the Portal Communication/clarification via ‘discussion’ function on portal e-Tendering Platform
Key Procurement Milestones Activity Date Issue PQQ Early February 2016 PQQ clarification period Early February 2016 PQQ submission by End February 2016 Evaluate & shortlist Mid March 2016 Issue ITT End March 2016 ITT clarification period End March – Mid April 2016 ITT submission by Late April 2016 Evaluate & Award Early June 2016 Mobilisation Late June 2016 Contract Start 1 st August 2016
Lead provider model Contract Duration - 3 years Possibility of 1+1 extension Contracting Model & Duration
Evaluation Principles PQQ = Capability ITT = Selection for Award Open, fair and transparent treatment of all Bidders at all times Treat all Bidders equally Will not take into account previous known contractual or personal experiences Proactive management of conflicts of interest Only evaluators authorised by the Commissioners will have access to information at PQQ or ITT stages All Communication with Bidders via Kent Business portal – no direct contact
Table Discussions How do you feel this will work as a Lead Provider model? Have you identified any challenges / gaps with the current service specification, particularly regarding the move from back and neck to full body at DGS? What challenges do you think you may face working as a lead provider / sub- contractor How do you feel this will work for sub-contracting providers? Any additions / amendments to the service specification
Next Steps 1.Finalise the service specification 2.Put out formal PQQ advert for providers
Thank you… Any questions?