A formal channel of communication is the means of communication normally controlled by people in positions of authority in an organization. Hence, it has also been referred to as an organization’s ‘main line of operational communication’. The informal channel of communication is often discouraged or looked down upon in an “organization, and is not officially sanctioned. It is popularly referred to as grapevine. This is because it runs in all directions irrespective of the formal structure.
2 TYPES OF FORMAL COMMUNICATION The 2 types of formal communication are vertical and horizontal communication. Vertical communication is the following two types (i) Downward Communication: The communication by top hierarchy with their subordinates is called downward communication. This communication includes orders, rules, information, policies, instructions, etc. The chief advantage of the downward communication is that the subordinates get useful timely information which helps them in their work performance, (ii) Upward Communication: This is quite the reverse of the downward communication. This flows from the subordinates to the superiors. The subject-matter of this communication includes suggestions, reactions, reports, complaints, etc. This sort of communication helps the superiors in taking decisions. Horizontal Communication Horizontal communication takes place when two individuals of the same level exchange information. Horizontal communication is used by the same level officers to solve the problems of similar nature and profit by the experience of other people. The subject-matter of horizontal communication includes information, requests, suggestions, mutual problems and coordination-related information.
TYPES OF INFORMAL COMMUNICATION Informal verbal communication can take place during lunch breaks, hallway interactions and phone calls. Creative business communicators may deliberately include handwritten notes, text messages and anniversary recognitions and birthday cards to build rapport with their coworkers.
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FORMAL COMMUNICATION Advantages: Maintenance of Authority of the Officers Clear and Effective Communication Orderly Flow of Information Easy Knowledge of Source of Information Disadvantages Overload of Work Distortion of Information Indifferent Officers
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INFORMAL COMMUNICATION Advantages: Interpret: Present grievance: Alternate system: Improved relationship: Increase efficiency Speed: Feedback: Parallel function: Disadvantages: Less credible: Selective information: Creates trouble: Leakage: