Chapter 7 Early Christian (Late Antiquity)
STYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS Combination of Classical naturalism & late antique abstraction from late Roman art Biblical scenes & funerary orant & philosopher Basilica-like churches: plain exterior, east/west orientation, cruciform, apse, clerestory windows, timber roof, central plan Rich interior: Mosaics shallow picture plane halo thin frontal figures Image of Christ changing from beardless youth to bearded mature adult. Illuminated manuscript: text & image, silver lettering, continuous narration
Old Testament paintings, Synagogue, Dura-Europos
Samuel Anoint David,, Synagogue, Dura-Europos
Synagogue, Dura-Europos Distant outpost in the Roman Empire Examples of monotheistic creeds of Judaism and Christianity: Not approved religions of the Roman state Remarkable for it’s extensive cycle of mural paintings of biblical scenes Stylized gestures; expressionless figures; lack volume and shadow
The Good Shepherd, the story of Jonah, and orants, Flashcard Catacombs Polygonal frame loculi lunettes Orants
EARLY CHRISTIAN Catacombs Painted ceiling of a cubiculum in the Catacomb of Sts. Peter and Marcellinus (Rome) early fourth century CE catacomb Edict of Milan
EARLY CHRISTIAN Catacombs loculi and cubicula lunettes depicting the story of Jonah reference to the dome of heaven orans figures refrigerium Christ as the Good Shepherd
Orant Sarcophagus with philosopher, orant, and old and New Testament Scenes
Sarcophagus Story of Jonah Center: Orant: standing figure praying with outstretched arms Portrait of man & woman left unfinished Universal themes: Good Shepherd; child Jesus receiving baptism Future ministry of Jesus represented by hand on sheep
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus c. 359, marble Junius Bassus Roman vs. Asiatic manner of sarcophagus decoration depiction of Christ and a sky god avoidance of the crucifixion use of Old Testament stories juxtaposed with scenes from the New Testament use of art to educate and convert
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus Flashcard
Old St. Peter’s Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Arch
Old St. Peters Old St. Peters (Rome), begun c. 320 St. Peter/ semblance of the Roman basilica/ narthex/ transept/ interior decoration/ exterior decoration/ baldacchino
Old St. Peters begun c. 320 St. Peter semblance of the Roman basilica narthex transept interior vs. exterior decoration baldacchino
Santa Sabina, Rome Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Compare interior to section of Old St. Peter’s
Santa Costanza (Rome) c cathedral centrally planned building mausoleum ambulatory mixture of pagan and Christian imagery
Flashcard Santa Costanza Central plan Ambulatory Putti Gardner’s Art Through the Ages
Flashcard The parting of Lot and Abraham Head cluster Tesserae
The Parting of Lot and Abraham (Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome) use of pantomime “head clusters” stiffened simplified motion symbolic rather than descriptive settings
Christ as the Good Shepherd, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia Flashcard Cruciform Crossing tower Central plan Lunette Models in progress
Christ as the Good Shepherd (Galla Placidia, Ravenna) c. 425 Theodosius I and Galla Placidia regal depiction of Christ appears
Sant'Apollinare Nuovo Miracle of the loaves and fishes Flashcards Gardner’s Art Through the Ages
Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes (Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna) 504 emphasis on miracle economy of means appearance of a gold background less emphasis on shadowing
Vienna Genesis Rebecca and Eliezer at the well Flashcard Illuminated manuscripts Continuous narrative Deluge Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Blessing of Ephraim & Manasseh Joseph in prison
Rebecca and Eliezer at the well (Vienna Genesis) early sixth century importance of Constantinople in Early Christian times codex vs. rotulus folio vellum and parchment persistence of Classical motifs and stylistic modes a bare narrative
Rossano Gospels Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, 12 th ed. Compare to Roman Arch of Constantine Distribution of largess Raising of Lazarus Christ before Pilate Note: 2 pages Diptych
Christ before Pilate (Rossano Gospels) early sixth century Rossano Gospels simple ground line nimbus use of labeling
Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion of Christ the empty Sepulchre Christ carrying the Cross
Flashcard Diptych of the Nicomachi and the Symmachi Compare – Maidens, Panathenaic Festival procession frieze Compare – Ara Pacis Augustae Procession of the Imperial family Gardner’s Art Through the Ages
Priestess celebrating the rites of Bacchus right leaf of the Diptych of the Nicomachi and the Symmachi, c. 400, ivory persistence of the classical form with its emphasis on beauty diptych