CCLI# 2897150 In Tenderness. CCLI# 2897150 In tenderness He sought me— weary and sick with sin And on His shoulders brought me— back to His fold again.


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Presentation transcript:

CCLI# In Tenderness

CCLI# In tenderness He sought me— weary and sick with sin And on His shoulders brought me— back to His fold again

CCLI# While angels in His presence sang, until the courts of heaven rang

CCLI# O - o - oh, the love that sought me O - o - oh, the blood that bought me

CCLI# Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold of God Grace that brought me to the fold of God!

CCLI# He died for me while I was sinning— Needy and poor and blind He whispered to assure me— “I’ve found you; you are Mine”

CCLI# I never heard a sweeter voice, It made my aching heart rejoice

CCLI# O - o - oh, the love that sought me O - o - oh, the blood that bought me

CCLI# Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold of God Grace that brought me to the fold of God!

Jesus: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” - John 10:11 (ESV)

CCLI# Upon His grace I’ll daily ponder— and sing anew His praise With all-adoring wonder— His blessings I retrace

CCLI# It seems as if eternal days are far too short to sing His praise

CCLI# O - o - oh, the love that sought me O - o - oh, the blood that bought me

CCLI# Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold of God Grace that brought me to the fold of God!

“Worthy are you [Jesus]… for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation…” - Revelations 5:9,10

CCLI# O - o - oh, the love that sought me O - o - oh, the blood that bought me

CCLI# Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold of God Grace that brought me to the fold of God!