Welcome Back Eagles! Choose a seat of YOUR choice...
choose wisely...
The Syllabus...
What is a Syllabus It is your course guide- KEEP IT Your syllabus will be kept in a notebook to refer back to when you have questions
Your Instructor Mrs. Lawler Mother of three, wife, writer, dreamer, world traveler, educator
Contacting Me: Schedule a meeting Send me an or text Please remember I have a family- and only contact during reasonable hours this is coke
Down to Business...
Class Description English III is a survey of American literature with an emphasis on vocabulary development,reading comprehension, and communication through writing and speaking. Over the course of the year, students will read and analyze texts in order to make personal, real-world and academic connections based on the themes found in those texts and the overarching essential questions for the course. Students will build upon prior knowledge improving composition and grammar skills.
Materials 2 Inch Binder (No you may not just use a spiral notebook) One set of 5 tab dividers (white) Blue or Black Ink pens or pencils (No Color) Loose Leaf Paper- College Ruled (no exceptions) Composition Notebook
You may also want... A jump drive A dictionary MLA Handbook (7th Edition)
Please shop “smart”
Attendance & Tardies Be in class and on time daily! On Time = In your seat, READY when the bell rings Unexcused absences = Zero (0) on tests, quizzes, and homework assignments for the day Excused absences must be approved by the office
In the event of an Excused absence... You will have one day per excused day to complete missed work/tests/quizzes It is the STUDENT’S Responsibility to get the notes from class, ask for missing worksheets/assignments and to schedule make-up times for missed tests. Do not ask for work during class, but come before or after school. You can pick up missed worksheets from the file by the door.
Grades A = B= C= D= F = Below 60 Homework/Participati on = 40% Assessments= 40% Writing= 10% Learning Check=10%
Class Expectations Prompt Prepared Polite Participating Produce Positive Mental Attitude
Late Work Policy All work is expected to be turned in on time. Homework maybe be submitted late, up to ONE WEEK following the deadline, unless noted otherwise HOWEVER...you may only submit 3 assignments late each semester (Aug-Dec & Jan-May)
The Standards... New Standards for state requirements/assessments Daily goals & learning targets Keeping track (composition notebook) Revisiting grammar, terms, vocabulary
Other items of business... First 10 & Last 10- Don’t ask First tardy = Warning The New Writing Policy Tutoring/Extra Help (See Dry Erase Board) Parent Portal/Communication Website
Who’s got a ticket? New Bathroom/Hall pass policy Use them wisely (we know what happens when you choose poorly) Extra Credit Tangible Reward Your Responsibility
No Ticket?
This is only an overview... Other items could be added at any time We are all in this together 50/50- Reward All “A” challenge
Following These Rules will Help avoid....