Chapter 21
Make sure visual aids are large Make your visuals attractive Make sure your visual aids are sturdy
Make the overall look professional Use graphics instead of words when possible
Keep them safe Maintain credibility No dangers or illegal presentation aids
Rehearse with your visual aid ▪ Will help smooth delivery Make eye contact with audience/not visual ▪ Talk to your audience Explain your visual ▪ What are you showing us? ▪ Why are you showing us THIS?
Avoid passing objects during delivery ▪ Part of audience will be distracted Use animals with caution ▪ When animals attack…is real ▪ Can be unpredictable Use handouts effectively ▪ Audience may be distracted ▪ Reading while your talking, etc.
Time the use of your visual ▪ Control when it is seen Use technology effectively ▪ Know how to operate it ▪ Don’t be too creative ▪ Fancy graphics may take away from presentation
Remember Murphy's Law REMEMBER Murphy’s Law Anyone know what it is?
Tip Recap ▪ Talk to audience, not visual ▪ Don’t dim lights for extended periods ▪ People will nod off, (Trust me…they will) ▪ Don’t use blackboard/dry erase board ▪ Explain the purpose of your visual to audience ▪ Avoid passing items around as a visual ▪ Reveal one visual at a time