Activity 15: Families of Elements What phase changes are happening on Ms. Pyle’s desk? – You can come up and look but please do not touch! Phase #1 (on front desk) Phase #2 (wait for microwave demo) Phase #3 (wait for microwave demo)
Activity 14 Analysis Questions
Activity 14 In Case You Missed It... Substances can be placed in categories or groups based on their physical and chemical properties. Metals are an example of this. Physical properties- can be observed without changing the chemical composition of an object. Chemical properties- change the chemical composition of an object when tested.
Activity 14 In Case You Missed It... Does conductivity change based on the size of the material? Does luster change if the object is bigger? These are physical properties and therefore, they do not change based on the amount of the sample.
Activity 15: Families of Elements In Activity 14, we categorized the materials we tested based on their properties. MetalsNonmetals Metallic lusterVary in color/texture FlexibleMay or may not be flexible More dense than waterMore or less dense than water OpaqueMay or may not be opaque Conduct energy Reactive with HCl
Activity 15: Families of Elements What is an element? Please open your books to page B19.
Atoms and Elements Atom- building block of matter. Smallest particle around! Cannot be broken down naturally. – Made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Subatomic Particles Subatomic particles are things that make up an atom and they cannot be separated into individual particles. Protons and neutrons- nucleus. Electrons floating around the outside. Protons Neutrons Electrons
Atoms and Elements Element- made up on atoms. – Cannot be broken down into simpler substances by natural means like heating, electrical currents, or reacting with other chemicals. – Carbon is made up of carbon atoms. – Copper is made up of copper atoms. – Iron is only made of iron atoms. – Aluminum is only made of aluminum atoms.
Information on Element Cards
Activity 15: Families of Elements With your group, read the procedure carefully! You will work together to sort the Element Data Cards into at least 3 groups. Use the colored paper and markers to create names for each group, or family. Record in notebook Be ready to vocalize why you sorted the way you did! When you are done, let me know so I can give you the next step!
Periodic Table History Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian scientist, is credited with organizing/creating the periodic table. In 1863 there were 56 known, naturally occurring elements. Others had found them, but they were not organized. Mendeleev started to put the elements in certain order based on their properties.
Periodic Table Families/Groups Alkali Metals- all are metals. Very reactive. 1 bond to Alkaline Earth Metals- reactive, but less so than Alkali metals. 2 bonds to H Halogens- very reactive. Nonmetals. 1 bond to H. Halogens- not reactive at all. No bonds to H or ever. Outlined in red- non metals. Everything else is a metal. Atomic mass increases from top to bottom. All members of the family carry the characteristics listed.
Tonight’s Homework Complete the analysis questions for Activity 15. #5 is an UC assessment! Scoring guide and directions are in OneNote. Also, make sure you check NetClassroom for missing assignments! The quarter ends tomorrow and all things need to be completed by then!