Utah Oregon
1. Vehicle Link 2. Access Point with Wireless Hot-Spot 3.Vehicle Inspection Database (VID)
Smart Data Acquisition Unit Hooked to OBD in Series High Frequency ISM RF Encrypted data set
Inexpensive Mobil capabilities Simple high gain antenna with RF receiver connected via serial port to PC
All program logic is in the VID Pass/Fail logic Readiness monitor exception Cat/Evap monitor requirements Future program changes, such as rules for vehicle exceptions, can be implemented without modifying the OBD Links Future OBD technology improvements can be automatically integrated
The OBD Link identifies and stores “events”, which indicate changes in OBD status Events are transmitted to the OBD VID when vehicles encounter wireless OBD Access Points Meets US EPA Continuous Monitoring Guidance Limit on days for repair after occurrence Storing multiple events allows detection of intermittent DTC
Data was collected over 36 Months (Davis County, Utah) 3 receiver stations ( 2 permanent and 1 mobile) 108 vehicles tested (link installed) 38,501 total tests 68 failed tests
Integration with repair industry Consumer opt-in selection of favorite repair shop. Shop and consumer receive auto- for periodic service and OBD issues. Functional component integrated within Fleet Management Systems Integration with insurance industry Consumer opt-in for favorable rates Insurer and consumer receive auto- reports (drive time, distance, etc.) Small, mobile hot spots Mounted on public fleet vehicles Providing wide geographic coverage at low cost
InsuranceI/M Compliance RoadsideElectronic Toll AssistancePayment MechanicLocal DMV Car Dealer Driver OEM Lien Holder
Basic program kit: 100 Remote OBD Links 1 Hot-spot transceiver and high-gain antenna Remote VID Web-based report and query suite All you need to provide is: Hot-spot location with access to power and Internet Volunteer fleet or employee group