Career Guidance Aimed at Improving Higher Education - role of Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Serbia- Ministry of Youth and Sport Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Career Guidance Aimed at Improving Higher Education - role of Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Serbia- Ministry of Youth and Sport Development of Career Guidance Aimed at Improving Higher Education in Serbia – CAREERS January 2012, University of Belgrade

Ministry of Youth and Sport Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Serbia was formed on May Vision In 21 st century young people in Serbia are active and equal participants in areas of social life. They also have equal rights and opportunities for development of their full potential. Therefore, their active role in family life, education, employment, health and overall social life is necessary. Mission Organized and systematical implementation of activities and procedures on national and local level aimed at improving position and state of young people and their quality of life..

National Youth Strategy (NYS) Action Plan for implementation of National Youth Strategy Strategy of Career Guidance and Counseling in the Republic of Serbia with Action Plan for implementation of strategy Strategy of Career Guidance and Counseling in the Republic of Serbia with Action Plan for implementation of strategy Law on Youth MoYS SERBIA – STRATEGIC AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS

Participation Potential Prevention Three “P” direction groups:

Strategic goals in NYS: 1.Encourage young people to actively participate in society 2.Develop youth cooperation and provide conditions for participation in decision-making through a sustainable institutional framework, according to the needs of young people and in partnership with them 3.Build an information system for young people at all levels and in all spheres 4.Ensure the exercise of the right to equal opportunities for all young people in society, particularly those living in difficult circumstances 5.Encourage and value extraordinary results and achievements of the young in various fields 6.Improve youth’s possibilities of spending quality leisure time 7.Develop an open, effective, efficient and fair system of formal and non-formal education which is accessible to all young people and in line with international education trends and the education context in the Republic of Serbia 8.Encourage and stimulate all forms of youth employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship 9.Improve conditions for safe living of young people 10.Protect and improve the health of young people, reduce risks and major health problems and develop youth-oriented health care 11.Strengthen young people for initiatives and activities in line with fundamental aims of sustainable development and healthy environment

Specific goal (7.7): Encourage young people to actively, responsibly and effectively manage their own career. Actions: 1.Establishing of career guidance and counseling centers within educational and other institutions. 2.Supporting the growth and development of professional staff in the area of career guidance and counseling. 3.Supporting the activities aimed at improving and promoting of career guidance and counseling. 4.Introducing information regarding career guidance and counseling in curricular and extracurricular activities.

STRATEGY OF CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING -development and implementation-

Intersectoral character of the document and cooperation at many levels and in various stages in development and implementation of the document - Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development - relevant institutions: Serbian Chamber of Commerce, National Employment Service - organizations – Belgrade Open School - team of experts - centers for career guidance and counseling at universities in Serbia

GOALS OF STRATEGY OF CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING ( ) 1.Establishment and development of career guidance and counseling system. 2.Development of career guidance and counseling system in educational area. 3.Development of career guidance and counseling system in employment area. 4.Permanent promoting of career guidance and counseling.

ROLE OF MoYS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGY OF CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING Coordination of the implementation process; realization of specific activities; organization of international conferences (with British Council and European Training Foundation); providing support in the process of making the materials regarding career guidance and counseling and distribution of it via local youth offices.

Career guidance and counseling through Fund for Young Talents of Republic of Serbia Fund for Young Talents was established by the Government of Republic of Serbia. Since August 2008 Fund works and operates within Ministry of Youth and Sport. President of the Fund is minister of youth and sport, Snezana Samardzic Markovic. Since 2008 Fund has awarded scholarships to over 7300 students and high school pupils. Also, in order to provide them with support for their further professional and educational development Fund has signed number of agreements with the most significant companies, institutions and organizations in Republic of Serbia.

Career guidance and counseling through Fund for Young Talents of Republic of Serbia In accordance with the Action Plan for the implementation of Strategy of career guidance and counseling within Fund for Young Talents we have established Centre for career guidance and counseling of young talents. Important notice: -Law on Youth - awarding scholarships to young and talented people is considered as public interest.


Center of Career Guidance and Counseling for scholars of Fund for Young Talents Strategy of Career Development and Counseling within its specific goal named “Implementation of career guidance and counseling system” implies realization of pilot project named “Establishment and management of the Centre for Career Guidance and Counseling for scholars of Fund for Young Talents” and then founding of Centre.

Career counseling Career informing Cooperation with relevant companies By the end of 2011 in activities of Centre for Career Guidance and Counseling of Young Talents over 2500 students, scholars of Fund for Young Talents, were involved.

Local Youth Offices Educational institutions Local departments of National Employment Service ANOTHER FORMS OF IMPLEMENTATION Career guidance and counseling in local communities

Youth Offices (established by local government) have the most important role in the implementation process at the local level of government, in providing key information for young people and in realization of different programs and activities for youth. So far, activities of Youth Offices cover over 30% of youth population in Serbia. Every year MoYS financially supports youth projects and arrange training sessions for coordinators of youth offices in Serbia. Youth Offices

Projects:,,Career development of young people”; partner Manpower;,,Support for youth entrepreneurship” - USAID, MoYS, municipalities; 98 Youth Offices, over 6000 young people, different activities aimed at development of entrepreneurship and employment of young people;,,Professional orientation” - GIZ, Ministry of education and science, MoYS; started in 2011; Cooperation with British Council regarding career guidance in local communities; In 27 Youth Offices in Serbia service of career informing is developed, while in other, it is still in development (support MDG, USAID). Implementation of Strategy through Youth Offices

Development of strategic documents and founding of governmental Working Group that is in charge for the implementation of the Strategy. Centers for career guidance and counseling within National Employment Service, and also within universities are established. Different activities regarding career guidance and counseling are developed in elementary schools and high schools. Different activities regarding career guidance and counseling are developed within Youth Offices. There are, also, different non-governmental organizations dealing with the career guidance and counseling. There are some elements of comprehensive system – it is necessary to unite all players involved in this domain and to build a comprehensive system of career guidance and counseling. Career guidance and young people in Serbia -results-

Expected challenges in the further process of Strategy implementation -Implementation of National Youth Strategy and Strategy of Career Guidance and Counseling. -Development of mechanisms of management, cooperation, coordination, evaluation and monitoring process in realizing the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counseling. -Realization of the Strategy through local youth offices. -Providing appropriate and comprehensive information to young people in Serbia.