HSS and TEM New methodology of cultural psychology
Sign emerging in life
HSS Historically Structured Sampling strutturato assaggiando storicamente
Life in modern era. We are forming our value gradually in life. In modern era, not feudal era, we can set our own goal in life. Though we can construct our own goals, these goals are influenced by contexts we live in. If we consider seriously, we find that our goals in life are construed culturally and historically.
Toward psychology of life experience Human being is not a bunch of variables, i.e., intelligence score and/or personality trait score. We should give up on “variable psychology” and move to “Life experience psychology”. Life experience of each person is constructed culturally and historically.
New thought of sampling We need a new thought of sampling. Random sampling derives from “variable psychology”. New thought of sampling is needed for “Life experience psychology”.
ERROR? McNemar (1940, p. 331) insisted that "a large amount of psychological research must depend upon sampling for the simple reason that human variation exists". McNemar regarded the human variation as an error from the "true value". His view had a lack of historical thinking. Ironically speaking, the “random sampling” is needed because individual human beings are not homogeneous.
Human variation stands on life history Human variation is the result of life course of each person and it is not a timeless phenomena but a time-dependent phenomena. So new sampling method should reflect both real life courses and researchers’ research questions. This is the reason why we call this new methodology as historically structured sampling (HSS).
HSS(historically structured sampling ) TEM is highly inter-dependent on the sampling methodology named the historically structured sampling (HSS). Researchers should focus on what they want to know and they should meet with persons with such an experience.
Conceptualize “EFP” We prefer to conceptualize life experience (what researchers have interests in) as an equifinality point (EFP). Equifinality =any given phenomenon ( life experience) may be reached in two or more ways. Ci sono molti modi ad una meta. Equifinality has a close relationship with the notion of open system.
Open system
…as soon as a psychologist reject the idea of closed-systems of psychological phenomena and accepts an open-systems viewpoint, his treatment of the time dimension in psychological research would change. (Valsiner,1986;, p352) Valsiner, J. (1986). Sequence-Structure Analysis Study of Serial Order within Unique Sequences of Psychological Phenomena. In Valsiner, J. (Ed.) The individual subject and scientific psychology. New York: Plenum.
Jaan Valsiner Dr. Valsiner received his higher education in Estonia, where he graduated from Tartu University in 1976 and completed his post- graduate work in He has been at Clark University in the US since 1997 and is also affiliated with the program in Communication and Culture.
A life of leaf and photosynthesis as open system Open systems receive information and interact dynamically or exchange with their environment. Photosynthesis is a good example to understand the individual as a whole and with outer world.
Open system and Equifinality Taking the concept of the open system into his theory, Von Bertalanffy (1968) outlined the principle of the equifinality as crucial for the open systems: Equifinality means that the same state may be reached from different initial conditions and in different ways in the course of time.
Equifinality There are many ways to a destination. Ci sono molti modi ad una meta. X=Punto di biforcazione. Y=Punto di equifinality Trajectory = Orbita / Canale
Bifurcation Point, Trajectories and Equifinality Point X=Punto di biforcazione. Y=Punto di Equifinality Trajectory = Orbita/ Canale
Waddington's epigenetic model and Water Fall (Una cascata)model Waddington's epigenetic model
TEM Trajectory Equifinality Model Il modello di canali plurali
Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) The Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) focuses on the diversity of life within irreversible time.
Constructing the model! According to Bruner, constructing the model is the way to describe the lives without a cause-and-effect sequence of events. It leads to describe the possible worlds(Bruner, 1986). Model with time such as TEM promote and guide the process model.
Important notions For describing the TEM, there are some basic concepts. These are BFP, EFP, OPP, Trajectory and Irreversible time (Valsinar and Sato, 2006). BFP=Bifurcation points EFP=Equifinality points OPP=Obligatory passage points Trajectory is Trajectory.
Basic notions Obligatory passage points (OPP) Punto di passaggio Obbligatorio Polarized EFP EFP polarizzato
OPP (Il punto di Passaggio obbligatorio) Obligatory Passage point is a point almost all members experience before the EFP point. Il punto di Passaggio obbligatorio è un punto che pressocché tutti membri esperimentano di fronte al punto di EFP.
Esempio : Il punto di Passaggio obbligatorio For example, one should enter high school before dropping out from high school. Entering high school is the OPP for dropout. Per esempio, uno dovrebbe entrare liceo prima di cadere fuori da liceo. Entrare liceo è l'OPP per rinunciatario.
Polarized EFP EFP polarizzato Polarized EFP is an complimentary class of an EFP which researchers have interests in. EFP polarizzato è un set complimentoso di un EFP nel quale i ricercatori hanno interessi. P-EFP can neutralize the researchers’ interests and sense of value.
EFP and PEFP Both EFP and PEFP create a dimension. And this dimension helps us to visualize the whole story variedly. EFP e PEFP, creano una dimensione. E questa dimensione c'aiuta a visualizzare variamente la storia intera.
Example Esempio Ayae Kido’s study on the cosmetic behavior. Lo studio di Ayae Kido sul comportamento cosmetico.