Chapter 1 General Introduction 国际法导论 Chapter 2 Sources of International law 国际法的渊源
Key words ius gentium万民法 jus civile 市民法 criterion 准据法 schools of thoughts 学说 self-executing treaties 自动执行条约 empirical 经验主义的 revival 复兴 the principle of non-aggression 不侵犯原则 renaissance 文艺复兴 treaty 条约 convention 公约 agreement协定 protocol议定书 declaration 宣言 law-making treaties 造法性条约 international legislation 国际立法 Bona fide诚信 pacta sunt servanda 信守约定 estoppel 禁反言 stare decisis 遵循判例 repporteur (法)代表
Object (1) The concept of international law; Positivist School and Naturalist School ( 实在法学派和自然法学派) (2) The difference between international law and municipal law; the difference between public international law and private international law (3) The sources of international law (4) Codification of international law
General Introduction 1. The concept of international law 2. Sources of international law 3. Codification of international law
1. The Concept of international law 1.1 the title of international law: I. The title of international law -Latin-Jus civile 市民法 Jus gentium 万民法 -Jus gentium, first appeared in the book “the law of War and Peace”---Grotius (格老休斯) in 1625 - “international law” –Bentham (边沁)in 18 Century -In China, 万国公法 ---国际公法
Comparison Naturalist School 自然法学派 Positivist School 实在法学派 Historical source Stoic philosophers (斯多葛派) Empirical method, in Renaissance period Basic theory Human nature or divine justice is superior to the legislation or judicial action 1、Focus on what really happened between the competing states, rather than abstract theory. 2、Agreement and customs are recognized. Representatives Samuel Pufendorf Jean Barbeyrac Oppenheim, Kelsen, Bentham, Hart…… Influence 1、The revival of natural law-widely concern of international justice and the formation of international organizations. 2、Rules and principles of Int’l law---non-aggressive and human rights. Most of the international law scholars are positivists.
1.2 Historical development of international law Ancient-----Grotius-----The Treaty -----------WWII Time of Westphalia
Private international law 国际私法 III. Difference between international law and municipal law 国际公法和国内法 Difference between public international law and private international law 国际公法和国际私法: International law 国际公法 municipal law 国内法 Private international law 国际私法 Focuses primarily on relations between states governs the domestic aspects of government Deals with issues between individuals, and Between individuals and administrative apparatus, etc. Deals with the relationship between states Treated as domestic principles and rules Deals with cases containing foreign factors, individuals, or deals with whether domestic court has jurisdiction, or how to choose criterion (准据法).
(1) International law and municipal law 国际公法和国内法 -Differences 1.3 The difference between international law and municipal law and the difference between public international law and private international law 国际公法和国内法,国际公法和国际私法的区别 (1) International law and municipal law 国际公法和国内法 -Differences -Two schools of thoughts: dualism and monism -Interaction (2) International law and private international law国际公法和国际私法
2. Sources of international law 国际法的渊源 “Statute of International Court of Justice”---Article 38: 国际法院规约38条 I. (1) International treaties 国际条约 -Several norms: Treaty 条约,Convention 公约, Agreement协定, Protocol议定书 Declaration 宣言….. -“law-making treaties” (造法性条约), e.g, The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relation 1961 and 1982 UN Convention of the Law of Sea (2) Customary law 国际惯例 General practice 一般国际惯例 *Lotus Case (PCIJ) Opinio juris 法律确信 (3) General principles of law 一般法律原则 Bona fide诚信, pacta sunt servanda 信守约定, estoppel 禁反言 …… (4) Judicial decisions and scholarly writings 司法判例及各国权威最高之公法学家学说 “stare decisis” 遵循判例;Judge’s dissenting opinions or opinion’s from parties II. Ex aequo et bono (公允和善良) : if parties involved agree to solve the case without comply the strict international law, then the Court may make the decision based on ex aequo et bono.
3. Codification of international law-function of ILC 国际法的编纂: ILC’s functions: “the progressive development” and “codification” of international law.” I. “codification” The precise formulation and systematization of rules of international law in fields where there has been extensive States practice, precedent and doctrine II. The procedure of ILC’s work: i. Preparing draft articles (based on the reports made by a member state’s repporteur); ii. Submitting the draft to the members for comments; iii. The UN may decide to call an international conference iv. The Adoption of certain convention in the conference based on the draft made by the Commission.
Next class Content: Chapter 3 States in international law 1.Workbook: P12-24 2. Shao Jin: P35-61 (Optional) 3. Cases: -Hu Guang Railroad Case: see workbook-P189 Annex 2 -the Tinoco Arbitration case: workbook P16