Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 1 Status Buncher Design  Rectangular design, longitudinal.


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Presentation transcript:

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 1 Status Buncher Design  Rectangular design, longitudinal Length 120 mm Height 500 mm, Width 300 mm RF amplifiers Buncher  Delivery of three amplifiers scheduled for December 2013 Klystrons and modulators  Delay at the Frech side; Tendering deadline was set to Mid of November; because of administrative reasons prolonged by 40 days FAT 1 st Klystron (Prototype)  Scheduled for 9 th - 12 th of December 2013 Copper plating CH prototype started  Coupling cell is done

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 2 Status Source + LEBT  Currently the source is build up at CEA  HV power supplies will be ordered by GSI, delivery app. by Nov  Chopper design and production taken over by CEA  Mini control system transferred to CEA Beam Instrumentation Cavity test bench  Meeting next week at CEA Saclay  Definition of tasks  Delay of roughly 6 month due to problems with the power supply at manufacturer side  Alternative solutions are discussed with CNRS and CERN

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 3 Status Buncher design CH type Rectangular λ/2 structure Frequency325 MHz Input Energy 3,012 MeV Synch. Phase -70 deg. Eff. Voltage/gap 145 kV Q Length 120 mm Height 500 mm Width 300 mm plunger action beam axis Position (mm) Frequency (MHz)

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 4 Status CH prototype copper plating Coupling cell Pictures taken ‘still wet’ before cleaning Coupling cell after cleaning

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 5 Status CH prototype copper plating Copper plating of the CH cavity (2 half) takes place in March 2014 All parts are present at GSI

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 6 Comment from MAC May 2013 to the RFQ :...Clear steps forward on these issues should be taken within the next 6 months, else they would probably enter the critical path of the FAIR schedule. RFQ RFQ Meeting took place 20 th and 21 st of November 2013 Invited participants from CERN3 IAP Frankfurt3 AVS Huelva1 FAIR1 GSI8

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 7 Some remarks to the meeting CERN could clearly show the excellent performance of the LINAC4 RFQ. This result could be reached due to the challenging selection of materials, the well planned steps in manufacturing and the brilliant collaboration with all those involved. IAP presented new fabrication methods (massive Cu block) to avoid alignment errors and contact problems. The always possible access in case of repair was pointed out. A 4-rod at 325 MHz with the 4-vane precision can be performed. 2 nd IAP presentation showed the layout of a Ladder-type 4-rod. A crankshaft-type fixation of the rods guaranties the alignment precision. Those rings used at the 36 MHz IH-type RFQ at GSI. The RF part of the cavity is made from two massive Cu blocks. RFQ

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 8 RFQ All meeting members agree to the following parameters for the FAIR pLINAC RFQ: Input energy keV Beam current mA Cavity length 3-3,5 m Comparison of 4-vane, 4-rod and ladder-type cavities

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 9 RFQ Target Date pLINAC ready for SIS 18 injection 2 years production 9 month redesign CERN cavity (325 MHz) 9 month 1m prototype IAP 4-rod 4 month beam dynamic calculation at GSI Further approach Decision September 2014 Discussed and agreed during the RFQ meeting last week

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 10 Further steps....1 During the next 9 month ASAP Installation of a (RFQ) team at GSI Additional man power is needed Beam dynamic calculations at GSI as input to CERN Fixing input energy and matching Data to the source and LEBT (incl. chopper) from CEA (Chauvin) Fixing cavity length Redesign of the CERN 4-vane for 325 MHz operation at CERN Collaboration agreement has to be established Persons have to be named Engineering services have to be found and ensured. Search for material suppliers Search for machining shops Production of a 1m 4-rod RFQ section with original dimensions followed by RF power test and inspection of accuracy afterwards. RFQ

Wolfgang Vinzenz FAIR Proton Linac 10 th FAIR MAC November 25 th and 26 th 2013 Proton Linac 11 Further steps....2 Latest from September 2014 Decision to the RFQ type Start cavity production, partly at CERN (brazing and metrology) Collaboration contract needed Small corrections can be realized September 2016 RF power test at the GSI test bench End of October 2016 Test with beam at the proton linac RFQ