APA Databases Global Link to the World of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences e-HLBC PRESENTATION Neil Lader May 15, 2006
Discussion Topics APA background & mission PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES Health-related Coverage & Applications Search Strategies Q & A
American Psychological Association APA founded in 1892 The society’s mission has been to advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare Major psychological organization in U.S. More than 150,000 members & affiliates
Society Perspective Knowledge development & dissemination priorities of the publishing program Close connections with field through members Partnerships and alliances Publisher of both primary and secondary information products and services
As a Society, Two Major Constituencies— APA Members 150,000 members, affiliates, and student members 46% academic Subscribe to journals in large numbers. Now buy access to electronic products. Libraries Very supportive of APA publications Partners in delivering professional knowledge to researchers, students, and others
APA’s Family of Databases PsycINFO, the discovery and finding tool PsycARTICLES, full-text of essential journals PsycBOOKS, full-text scholarly titles from APA and other publishers PsycCRITIQUES, APA’s database of book reviews PsycEXTRA, APA’s gray literature solution
PsycINFO ®
PsycINFO The database provides citations with abstracts to the scholarly literature in behavioral and social sciences Over 2 million records, updated weekly Over 2000 journal titles covered Data from 1806 to present Content relevant to wide array of disciplines
Two Key Facts Psychology literature has a very long shelf life – researchers need up-to-the-minute content and 100 year-old data. Psychology is a broad discipline relevant to many others – business, law, medicine, social work, anthropology, etc. – very large target audience.
Quality and Timeliness Reliable, professional content –Authoritative, peer reviewed, psychologically relevant journals –Books and chapters appropriate to professional, student, or educated lay audiences –Dissertations and reports selected for psychological relevance
Quality and Timeliness Professional information analysts –PsycINFO staff write or edit abstracts to accurately reflect content –Indexers use of controlled Thesaurus vocabulary that ensures precise retrieval –Rigorous quality-control checks 99% of Journal and Books records contain abstracts from 1967-present
PsycINFO Coverage: Foundation of Quality Journals More than 2,000 titles covered 112 titles added in 2005 Comprehensive coverage-1100 journals 78% of database Books 7% of the database Psychological relevance Dissertations Selected from Dissertations Abstracts International (A and B) 12% of database
Coverage: Foundation of Quality Journals Careful evaluation, reject nearly 50% Relevance, standards of presentation, regularity of publication Books Relevance Focus Quality Availability See psycinfo/publishers for coverage criteria
Authoritative and Current Classification System of 22 major categories, 135 sub categories Comprehensive thesaurus of more than 7,000 terms in 10 th Edition. 200 new terms added Updated weekly Records released into database fast Over 14 million cited references
Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms Controlled Vocabulary Foundation of all Five Databses Emerging Trends, New Areas of Research New Terms identified by indexers, subject experts Ensures precise retrieval
Global Sources
Global and Complete Coverage 56 countries represented in current coverage Original publications in 28 languages Non-English titles in Roman alphabets included from present
Historic Records All Psychological Abstracts records Psychological Bulletin American Journal of Psychology Data as early as the 1800s More than 335,000 historic records from multiple sources
PsycARTICLES PsycARTICLES is a database of full-text articles from peer-reviewed journals published by the APA, Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe and Huber Covers 56 journals and contains more than 45,000 articles Updated daily as issues are released to the database Average currency is about 1 week after print issue is mailed
PsycARTICLES Content Unique content –APA journals available electronically only in PsycARTICLES Years covered:1985-present Plans to digitize all back issues are moving ahead
Archive to increase! 115,000 full text articles 100 years of issues from 24 journals to be added archive to be added At no additional fee Back File to vendors on March 29
25% Clinical Relevance Neurological Disorders/Brain Damage-1241 Psychopharmacology-1075 Psychotherapy & Psychotherapeutic Counseling-1223 Behavioral Disorders-953 Medical Treatment of Physical Illness-702 Clinical Psychological Testing-893
Full Text Journals Behavioral Neuroscience Developmental Psychology Experimental & Clin. Psychophamacology Journal of Abnormal Psychology Neuropsychology Prevention and Treatment Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
PsycARTICLES Archiving Policy License sites retain the right to access articles that entered the database during the period the license was active, but not the back file of releases from previous years This policy does not include the back file
PsycARTICLES Archiving Policy Example –XYZ University licenses PsycARTICLES on January 1, –XYZ University renews for the next two years but lets the license expire on December 31, 2007 and does not renew for 2008 –XYZ University retains the right to use content from the journal publication years without paying a data fee –Vendor or APA will still charge a service fee to provide access and search interface to use the content
Product descriptions and updates Coverage ILL and Course Packs Library Tool Kit-Application Guides Licenses Pricing
Multi-disciplinary Focus Psychology Psychiatry Business Criminal Justice Education Human Resources Law Linguistics Medicine Nursing Social Work Sociology Psychopharmacology Physiology
Clinical Coverage Psychiatry Nursing Health Administration Pharmacology Rehabilitation Epidemiology
Behavior is the common element Behavioral causes and effects of physical disorders Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Behavioral Aspects of Care Behavioral Treatments for physical illness
Pharmacology Selection Criteria Behavioral component/Behavioral side effect Compliance issues Relate to mental illness Basic and applied research IF behavioral issue included Drug abuse and rehabilitation is included
Mental Health Personnel Training Ethics Attitudes Standards In other words, “people issues” related to the health care setting…..
e-HLBC CONSORTIUM Thank you!!! Neil Lader May 15, 2006