Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education June 19, 2014 LOCAL CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN (LCAP)
PUSD “robust” plan Content; goals and actions right on track Expenditures indicated in “draft” reflect required 10.3 million Base-LCFF must be included in 3A All Supplemental and Concentration(Sup/Con) in 3B Praise from LACOE and ACLU for our Inclusive and transparent process Model for other Districts 2 EXTERNAL FEEDBACK
1.Basics Metrics- Facilities- Instructional Materials- Highly Qualified Staff 2.Implementation of State Standards Metrics Implementation for all students 3.Parent Involvement Metrics Efforts to seek input and participation of parents 4.Student Achievement Metrics Multiple Measures- state, EL reclassification, College and Career Ready, EAP 5.Student Engagement Metrics -Attendance, Drop-out, Graduation 6.School Climate Metrics -Expulsions, Suspensions 7.Course Access Metrics- All students broad course of study 8.Other Student Outcomes Metrics- Other measures of student performance and access EIGHT REQUIRED STATE PRIORITIES 3
How will the LCAP support our goals of closing/narrowing the achievement gap for English Learners, Foster Youth, Low-Income Students and other high need groups of students, while providing all students course of study to prepare them to be college and/or career ready? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF LCAP 4
Meaningful engagement of parents, pupils, and other stakeholders, including those representing the subgroups identified in Education Code section Low Income Students English Learners Foster Youth Describe narrative on how stakeholders were engaged in the development of the plan and how this input informed the plan 6 SECTION 1- ENGAGEMENT
Describe annual goals and expected and actual progress toward meeting goals. This section must include specifics projected for the applicable term of the LCAP, and in each annual update year, a review of progress, quantitative or qualitative made in the past fiscal year based on an identified metric. Needs- Actions-Impacted Subgroups-Goals-Metric 7 SECTION 2 GOALS AND PROGRESS INDICATORS
Identify annual actions and describe expenditures NOT included as part of Supplemental/Concentration to be performed and implemented to meet the goals described in Section 2, and describe expenditures to implement each action The actions and expenditures must reflect details within a goal for the specific subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities Funding is from BASE-LCFF or other resources Goals-Actions/Services-Budget 8 SECTION 3A ACTION-SERVICES-EXPENDITURES
B.Identify additional annual actions and services, above what is provided for all pupils that will serve low-income, English learner and redesignated students, and/or foster youth pupils as defined in Education Code section Using Supplemental/Concentration Monies 71% Unduplicated- District is allowed to provide services on a Districtwide basis 9 SECTION 3 B & C ACTION-SERVICES-EXPENDITURES TARGETED SUBGROUPS
C. -Describe the LEA’s increase in funds in the LCAP calculated on the basis of the number and concentration of low income, foster youth, and English learner pupils 5 CCR 15496(a)(5). -Describe how the LEA is expending these funds in the LCAP; include a description of, and justification for, the use of any funds in a districtwide or school- wide, manner as specified in 5 CCR For schools below 40% FRL describe how these funds are used to support the targeted subgroups at the specific site D. Same as “C” but specific to identified subgroups 10 SECTION 3 C & D ACTION-SERVICES-EXPENDITURES NARRATIVE
PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE DELAC Comments from May 19 “Counselor should motivate, not discourage students to attend college. Encourage ELs to pursue college.” May 22 DELAC Executive Board Meets with LADD to refine comments and incorporate into draft LCAP June 16 LCAP: Comment incorporated into at least 2 goals 3 B Goal 1 (Naviance, field trips) 3B Goal 4 : Differentiated PD & Appropriate & Specific Certification June 17 DELAC Executive Board meets with LCAP & LADD to review integration of comments Newest draft incorporates June 17 comments DELAC
PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 21 Meeting Washingto n MS Foster Parent Comment: “Increase AP/IB Courses” “Parents (and students) need to be in-serviced on these courses… must understand purpose and converse with counselors ” June 9 Meeting: Reviewed revised format with Strategic Plan Goals Comments incorporated into Goal 2.6 of June 16 Draft LCAP: Master schedules Parent Infor- mation nights on AP Parent education about value of enrolling in high rigor courses to all parent groups including EL, low income, African Americans, students with disabilities and foster youth Begin conver- sations with students at the middle schools about the importance of taking honor, AP and/or IB classes towards certification or diplomas
RESPONSE TIMELINE Comments Meetings re: Integration into Drafts before Public Hearing Written Responses
Student Achievement Course Access Other Student Outcome Common Core Implementation Curriculum Refinement K-5 CCSS aligned scope and sequence Flexible Master Schedules Innovative programs Parent Education of College and Careers 14 COMMON THEMES Library Services Technology resources; curriculum, hardware, staff and PD Increase access to high level courses for students Special Education intervention materials Targeted supports for English Learners
Student Engagement –School Climate Early interventions Multi-tiered approach to identify and remediate student challenges Attendance monitoring Counselors; target supports Promote services available through Health Start and PUSD Health Programs Infrastructure to support monitoring Foster Youth; enrollment, transcripts… 15 COMMON THEMES Alternative to suspension options and professional development Credit Recovery; after- school, evening-Twilight, summer Increased Health Services Increase socio-emotional supports on campuses Supportive learning environment that supports diverse learning and cultural differences
Basics All facilities good repair and able to meet the needs of 21 st century learning Ensure Highly Qualified Staff All students have instructional materials aligned to the standards Parent Involvement Needs based parent education opportunities for all families Volunteer program Increase participation in school sites from all parent groups Increase translated documents More participation in Title I and CABE conferences Parent Engagement Teams Systematize communication to parents Collect input and evaluations from parents 16 COMMON THEMES