EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMME: A DEFINITION Early Recovery interventions are coordinated programmatic activities, implemented in the immediate aftermath of a crisis, to help people move from humanitarian relief towards self-sustaining development and ensure that they are more resilient than before the crisis.
EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMMING AND HUMANITARIAN ACTION Greater Effectiveness Self-relianceHook to development and resilience building Greater Efficiency TimeMoney Smarter Relief Interventions
EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMMING: THE PRINCIPLES No linear process over a timeline (Continuum): Activities operating at the same time in overlapping juxtaposition (Contiguum). Contiguum generates an effective transition from relief to development
THE CONTIGUUM: AN EXAMPLE Health WASH Food Security Health Immunization Health awareness training (ER) Rehabilitation of health infrastructure (ER) WASH Water trucking Repair of sewage and water lines (ER) Hygiene training (ER) Food Security Food aid Seeds and tools (ER) Cash & vouchers (ER)
THE CONTINUUM Relief/Humanitarian Recovery Development CRISIS Time
PRINCIPLES FOR EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMMING a.Address time-critical needs b.Are based on rapid needs assessments or on solid inference c.Have a strong advantage in starting immediately d.Have a rapid impact on affected populations and/or relief activities e.Can be presented within their own relevant clusters f.Activities must be implementable and completed within the SRP’s standard timeframe g.Activities are foundational in nature and, if implemented at scale, will help avert a resurgence of humanitarian needs. h.Embed do no harm and when possible help build back better principles
CRISIS CONTEXTS Sudden Onset Disasters Philippines Haiti Vanuatu Protracted Complex (conflict and disaster - slow/sudden onset): Somalia, Sahel, Horn of Africa, South Sudan. Conflict & Displacement: Iraq, Syria, Myanmar, CAR.
HUMANITARIAN CLUSTERS Early Recovery ShelterProtection Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Education Health and Nutrition
EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMMING: HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Seeds & tools Repairs/construction of infrastructure/shelter Cash assistance Livestock vaccination, restocking Hardware Counseling and psychosocial support Training (Hygiene, GBV, food processing, etc.) Access to justice Community engagement/mobilization Software Early Recovery
EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMME OPTIONS AND CLUSTERS (1) Seeds, agricultural and fishing tools (vouchers) Cash and vouchers for food access, local procurement of food Livestock saving and restocking Spot repair of rural infrastructure Food Security Repair of basic infrastructure/shelter Support reconstruction and improve resilience of communities by adopting safer construction practices by the community Local procurement of NFIs or vouchers Shelter Identification and strengthening/set up of community-based protection mechanisms Support measures to ensure access to justice with a special focus on IDPs, women and children Provision of services to address GBV Protection Rehabilitation of drinking water supplies Sanitation construction and promotion of hygiene WATSAN
EARLY RECOVERY PROGRAMME OPTIONS AND CLUSTERS (2) Expand surveillance and early warning systems for early detection and response to epidemic prone diseases Conduct public health interventions in hot spot areas with poor water and sanitation support outreach to crisis affected communities with community-based psychosocial first aid Health and Nutrition Assess, prioritize and facilitate the repair of minor school damage and the re-stocking of essential school supplies and assets. Train education sector staff to provide students with psychosocial support during the early-recovery phase. School-based disaster management training and community engagement for disaster preparedness key messaging on school safety. Education Rehabilitation of Community Infrastructure, Debris and Municipal Solid Waste Management Emergency Employment & Enterprise Recovery and other Cash Based Interventions Restoration of Local Governance Functions Post Disaster Recovery and Coordination & Aid Management Early Recovery
THE THEORY IS THERE ……but is it working in reality? ……is there real participation in joint assessments? ……how is the World Bank fitting in? ……is competition over resources undermining coordination and responding to needs? ……are agency mandates driving a response rather than the needs? ……but on positive note, we are moving in the right direction.
UNDP SIGNATURE PRODUCTS (I1) 1. National Post-Disaster Recovery Coordination and Planning 2. Restoration of local governance functions 3. Cash-Based Interventions 4. Municipal Solid Waste Management 5. Aid Management in Post Disaster Settings