Maya Civilization Kings and Cities
Major Pre-Columbian Civilizations
Location of the Mayans The Yucatan Peninsula
Mayans Location & Environment - Dry scrub forests of Yucatan - Dense jungles of southeastern Mexico & northern Guatemala - Highlands of southern Mexico to El Salvador
Mayans Urban Centers - City states ruled by a God King (Theocracy) - Pyramids, temples, palaces, stone carvings - Residential areas
Mayans Economy - trade and farming - used techniques such as planting on raised platforms above swamps – hillside terraces – milpa (slash & burn) - grew maize, beans, squash
Mayan Cultivation of Maize Chac, God of Rain
Mayans Social Structure - Mayan King seen as holy figure - noble class of priests & warriors - middle class of merchants & artisans - lower class of peasants
Mayans Religion - Believed in many gods (polytheistic) - offered food, blood, human sacrifice - played ball game – believed would maintain cycle of sun, moon, rain Ach Puch – God of Death
Chichen-Itza - Ball Court
The God of Wisdom & Learning Quetzalcoatl: The God of Wisdom & Learning
Pakal: The Maya Astronaut
Overview of Tikal (Guatemala) Temple of the Masks
Mayans Achievements - calendar Both a religious calendar (260 days), and solar calendar (365 days) Linked together, like gears –Each day could be identified in both cycles –Solar calendar is.0002 of a day short of our calendar! - math - astronomy - writing (glyphs) - water management Mayan Observatory
Mayan Number System
Mayan Calendar Two calendars - one was a religious calendar – other was a solar calendar - showed when to plant crops, when enemies attacked, when to crown a new ruler
Mayan Glyphs Mayan Mathematics sky king house child city sky king house child city
Mayan Glyphs
Decline of Mayans Mysterious decline –Around 800 A.D. the Mayan abandoned their cities Possible reasons why: –War among city-states –Disruption of trade –Overfarming, food shortages, famine, disease By time Spanish arrive (1500s), Mayans are living in small, weak city-states