Anubis God of the Dead! By: Brady Schmidt mage?id=83 825&rendTy peId=4
Other Names For Anubis Anpu Anpu Imuet Imuet Inpu Inpu
Name in Hieroglyphics Anubis Anubis
Description of Anubis He is the god of the dead, and embalming. He is the god of the dead, and embalming. He is in charge of guiding the dead to have their heart weighed. He also protects the good souls from Ammut, the devourer. He is in charge of guiding the dead to have their heart weighed. He also protects the good souls from Ammut, the devourer. He had the same job as Osiris until Osiris was murdered. He had the same job as Osiris until Osiris was murdered.
Family and Relatives of Anubis His father is said to be Set, but sometimes Osiris. His mother is sometimes Nephthys, and other times Isis. There is even one were he is son of Set and was adopted by Isis. His father is said to be Set, but sometimes Osiris. His mother is sometimes Nephthys, and other times Isis. There is even one were he is son of Set and was adopted by Isis. He has a daughter named Kabechet, who helps him with embalming. He has a daughter named Kabechet, who helps him with embalming. He has no spouse. He has no spouse.
Anubis’s Family cont. His younger brother is Horus. His younger brother is Horus. His grandparents are Nut and Geb. His grandparents are Nut and Geb.
Physical Features He has the head of a Jackal, most commonly. He has the head of a Jackal, most commonly. He carries an ankh, the symbol of eternal life. He carries an ankh, the symbol of eternal life.
More Physical Features Sometimes Anubis has the head of a rabbit. Sometimes Anubis has the head of a rabbit. He also sometimes carries a sceptor. He also sometimes carries a sceptor.
Pictures Of Anubis Anubis
Fun Facts Anubis was the god who embalmed the great Osiris. Anubis was the god who embalmed the great Osiris. Anubis watches over every single embalming that happens. Anubis watches over every single embalming that happens. Priests often wore masks of Anubis when embalming. Priests often wore masks of Anubis when embalming.
Even More Fun Facts Anubis can be known as both a jackal, a vicious dog of the night, or a bunny rabbit! Anubis can be known as both a jackal, a vicious dog of the night, or a bunny rabbit! No one really knows who Anubis’ parents are, I found over five different stories! No one really knows who Anubis’ parents are, I found over five different stories! Anubis was one of the gods that found Osiris’ body parts. Anubis was one of the gods that found Osiris’ body parts.