1 RUSD Disaster Preparedness Student Release Procedures
2 In The Event of a Disaster In the event of a disaster, Reed Union School District, in collaboration with Tiburon Police and Fire Departments, has Disaster Preparedness procedures in place. Immediately after a disaster : Our primary focus will be the safety of our students. We will release students as soon as it is safe to do so. Children will be assembled on play fields until structures are deemed safe. Once buildings are deemed structurally sound by the Fire Department, children may be moved to the MPR at Reed and Bel Aire, and the Library/Cyber Lounge at Del Mar.
3 CommunicationsCommunications Telephone lines will be used ONLY for emergency communications between School/District staff and local authorities. Go to the following radio stations for news updates, do not call schools: BEARS 840 AM BEARS 840 AM KCBS 740 AM KCBS 740 AM KGO 810 AM KGO 810 AM If we are able to access RUSD ’ s emergency notification system, we will update parents via text messages. District websites will NOT have up to date information.
4 Student Release At Home: You and your children should have a plan for how students will be picked up from school. At School: Staff will deployed to their appointed position to ensure the safety of our children. Students will be supervised and waiting in the pre-arranged assembly area on each campus Parents arrive at the “ Student Request Table ” at your child ’ s school where you will be required to complete an “ Emergency Student Request Form. ”
5 Parent and/or authorized person ’ s identities will be verified by checking drivers licenses and checking RUSD ’ s student information cards to ensure ONLY authorized persons are allowed to pick up a student. A staff runner will be sent with the release form to the assembly area to retrieve each student. Parents or authorized persons will be directed to the “ Reunification Area. ” Staff runners will bring each student to the Reunification Area where he/she will be released to the parent or authorized person. Student Release
6 Reed Elementary School - Student Request Table is located in the front circle on the lunch area side of the office. - Reunification Area is in the front circle on the playground side of the office, closer to Tiburon Blvd.
7 Bel Aire Elementary School - Student Request Table is located in the bus zone in front of the District Office - Reunification Area is down the hill at the Green Gate
8 Del Mar Middle School - Student Request Table is located on the walkway in front of the Amphitheater - Reunification Area is at the double gate leading down to the lower blacktop area
9 Ready For the Long Haul… Teachers and Administrators keep extra clothing at school in the event they need to stay overnight with children. An adult will remain until a parent or guardian can pick up each child. There is enough food at each school for all staff and students for a minimum of 3 days. There is enough water for 7 – 10 days or longer. Each school has a back up generator & gas will be syphoned from autos in school parking lots if needed.
10 RUSD ’ s emergency radio system was recently upgraded to ensure communication between all 3 sites even if cell phones, land lines, and the internet goes down. As soon as possible, notices will be posted on District & community websites updating current status. Staff will only answer phones and/or after all children & adults are safe and secure. Ready For the Long Haul…
11 Most Importantly! Parents must keep all emergency information up-to-date to ensure each school knows who is authorized to pick up children if you are unable to get to school! Please update today! Schools will make a written record or digital photo of whomever picks up each child.
12 Additional Information The Del Mar gym is built to the highest earthquake standards. It is designed to be used as the emergency first aid center for the entire peninsula if needed and medical personnel will meet there in the event of a disaster. Tiburon / Belvedere authorities are installing a siren system that will warn residents in the event of a disaster. If a tsunami is possible, Reed School staff and students will evacuate to higher ground. Each site has bicycles to get from site to site if the roads are not suitable for motorized vehicles.
13 Your feedback is important to us! Send your comments/questions to: Thank you! Getready94920 In Conclusion