Perris Elementary School District Jean Marie Frey Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services LCAP Meeting March 15, 2016
Agenda LCFF Overview LCAP Overview LCAP Process Strategic Planning Process District Goals, Actions and Services Community Survey Next Steps
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) A formula for deciding how much money school district’s receive from the State Creates base, supplemental and concentration grants Because of our high numbers of English learners and low-income youth, our district receives a higher portion of supplemental and concentration funds Designed to improve student outcomes Local flexibility to meet student needs The district budget is tied to improvement goals Districts decide how to use funds with input from parents, students, teachers, classified employees and the community
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) A three year plan that: –Serves as the spending plan that accompanies the district’s budget –Focuses on 8 State priority areas –Describes the district’s vision for students, annual goals and specific actions we will take to achieve the vision –Demonstrates how our budget will achieve the goals; and assesses each year how well the strategies in the plan are able to improve outcomes for students
LCAP Process Current LCAP o Year 1: 2015 – 2016 o Year 2: 2016 – 2017 o Year 3: 2017 – 2018 Annual Review and Update o 2015 – 2016: Review Progress o 2016 – 2017: Review and Update o 2017 – 2018: Review and Update o 2018 – 2019: Development Next Year’s LCAP o Year 1: 2016 – 2017 o Year 2: 2017 – 2018 o Year 3: 2018 – 2019
Strategic Planning A process in which a group of people representative of a wide range of stake holders identify, and develop a vision, mission and core values for an organization –Parents –Classified Staff –Certificated Staff: Teachers and Administrators –Board Members –Students
Strategic Planning External Factors and Forces that influenced planning –Real World/Project Based Learning (Student Engagement/Active Learning) –Technology –Community Outreach (Connection with the Community
Strategic Planning Internal Areas of Need: What are our areas of greatest strengths and areas of greatest need? –English Learners –Parent Involvement/Engagement –Attendance/Truancy
DRAFT Vision Statement Our students will be successful, responsible learners for life who strive toward their unlimited potential.
DRAFT Mission Statement Our mission is to empower and inspire our students to make productive contributions to society. We will do this by: Inspiring them to see a future without limits Engaging them with relevant learning experiences that build confidence Developing their ability to communicate beliefs, ideas and a passion to learn
DRAFT Core Values Excellence Innovation Integrity Relationships Collaboration
Draft Critical ThinkersCitizenshipCommunication Problem solving from multiple perspectives Social adaptabilityCollaboration Imagination and curiosity Ethical/responsible choices Written and verbal Research and analyze information ResiliencyActive listening Digital LiteracyGlobal perspective Express and defend ideas and options Public speaking and making presentations Promotion Profile Students who are promoted from Perris Elementary School District will be critical thinkers, effective communicators and good citizens.
Goals, Actions and Services Goal 1: Hire and retain highly qualified and effective certificated, classified and administrative staff. Actions/Services: Hire and retain highly qualified and effective certificated teaching and certificated administrative staff Hire and retain highly qualified classified, confidential and management staff Provide professional growth opportunities for classified, certificated, management, and governing board members. As a result of the evaluation process, teachers needing additional support, will participate PAR program Page 13
Goals, Actions and Services Goal 2: Continue to offer safe, clean and well- maintained schools to foster school connections, which in turn boosts students and staff health as well students’ educational achievement. Action/Services: Maintenance, repair and landscaping of schools Page 18
Goals, Actions and Services Goal 3: PESD will provide all students a high quality, rigorous core instructional program implementing the California Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as the English-language Development Standards and the Next Generation Science standards. Action/Services: Adopt textbooks and instructional materials that are aligned to California Standards Provide professional development for certificated staff on newly adopted textbook materials Review and purchase supplemental ELD materials Page 21
Goal 3 continued Replacement texts and materials Site allocations for classroom supplies, library books and playground equipment Site allocations for additional services to low- income and foster youth Site allocations for additional services to English learners Bilingual aide instructional support
Goals, Actions and Services Goal 4: PESD is committed to providing a comprehensive, engaging and relevant instructional program for students, thereby creating an educational environment and culture where they feel safe and are motivated to come to school; and parents feel welcome and are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education. Action/Services: Hire full-time PE teachers to provide instructional in curricular areas above what the regular classroom teachers provide. Retain art teachers Page 28
Goal 4 Continued Provide district support in implementing a GATE program including: screening students; training; and coordinating GATE meetings. Provide Community Based English Tutoring to Spanish speaking parents Continue implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Pilot AVID Elementary at three school sites
LCAP Survey English Spanish
Next Steps Community Survey LCAP Committee Meetings April 13 May 4 June 1 LCAP Approval Parent Committees Public Hearings Approval
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