Technology Tools in Reading for Early Elementary Education Lorraine Mullings Click here for intro video Lorraine Mullings Click here for intro video
Slide Contents (hyperlinked) Introduction Summary Findings Detailed Findings Conclusions Additional Resources
Introduction In an early elementary school setting implementing computers and technology as part of the curriculum is beneficial. Children learn best when they have fun instruction, and the internet along with its accompanying software, games and books helps hold their attention. As part of assisting in information retrieval and sharing, twenty websites were sought to increase the use of computing and technology in the classroom. Sharing that information with other professionals is essential for good public education.
Summary findings This report contains the top 5 websites from an IAB of twenty. They are recommended for the instruction in reading for early elementary education. They contain useful information for the professional teacher, as well as, parents who support their children’s effort in becoming avid readers. These websites also contain useful links to other governmental services for the professional teacher. The full list of twenty useful websites can be accessed using the link that is provided at the end of this presentation.
Detailed Findings 1. Education WorldEducation World 2. Jump*Start WorldJump*Start World 3. Scholastic. ComScholastic. Com 4. Naeyc Technology & Young ChildrenNaeyc Technology & Young Children 5. Hellium. comHellium. com
Education World Education World boasts useful links in their Mini Site Guide, for fun activities that are used in lesson planning. Some useful ideals are listed below. If what is needed isn’t found below, they also have a link that offers even more good stuff. Animals A-Z Edits Box Cars Math Games Every-Day Edits Fact Monster Hunts Five-Minute Fillers Friday Fun Ideas Holiday Ideas Learning Games Lesson of the Day Lesson Plan Newsletter News for KIDS Show-Biz Science Word Search Puzzles Work Sheet Library Writing Bug Animals A-Z Edits Box Cars Math Games Every-Day Edits Fact Monster Hunts Five-Minute Fillers Friday Fun Ideas Holiday Ideas Learning Games Lesson of the Day Lesson Plan Newsletter News for KIDS Show-Biz Science Word Search Puzzles Work Sheet Library Writing Bug For additional Lesson Planning resources, see our complete site guide. Their site is for the professional teachers and it helps them with lesson plans, and fun games. Jump*Start World our complete site guide
Education World (cont’d) Education World is professionally oriented. It has teaching tools, games and topics of interest, all geared towards the professional teacher. There is also lesson planning, and professional development. It is a site that encompasses everything that a pre- service and professional instructor would need to carry out their daily activities. It also has useful links to other educational websites, as well as, commercial websites of interest.
Jump*Start World Jump Start World sells its own computer software, to help children combine computers and technology for learning. The software is for pre-school thru 2nd grade. The website boasts that its software “instills confidence, makes learning fun, motivates children, inspires, and rewards.” Becoming a member is necessary to create and play fun games on their website.
Jump*Start World (cont’d) Product Catalog Knowledge Adventure can help you address the requirements of NCLB by providing affordable, research- based products that meet state and national standards.
Scholastic.Com The third website that made it to the top 5 is Scholastic Administrators. It offers academic enrichment to students. It focuses in on a child’s ability to read, and how to improve it. The magazine, offers useful links for parents, teachers, and librarians so that they may purchase useful materials to use at home, in the classroom or at the school’s library. They also offer tech tools for learning, such as, leapfrog products. They offer a teacher’s newsletter, which you and check at your leisure.
Naeyc Technology & Young Children offers conferences for teachers, and you access their past conferences for reference. They also have an index of books that support computers and technology in the classroom. The website has a posted mission statement. Briefly, it tells teachers who visit there site what they are all about. “To lead discussions, share and research information, and demonstrate best practices regarding technology, so it can be used to benefit children aged 0-8”.
Hellium Regular use of technological tools will help to keep young people up-to-date with the rapid changes taking place in technology and prepare them for the use of these programs at high grade levels and eventually in the business world. elementary-school elementary-school
Hellium- Cont’d At Helium this is contained on their website. It shows their physiology on educating children using computers and technology. “Because exposing young children to technology has become an important element of education, many wonderful computer products have been developed for use with elementary and even preschool age children. Parents and teachers should be careful to review products before exposing children in order to choose programs that are age and skill appropriate”. “Regular use of technological tools will help to keep young people up-to-date with the rapid changes taking place in technology and prepare them for the use of these programs at high grade levels and eventually in the business world”. Their recent article infers that computers will be a permanent feature in the classroom, and early introduction is paramount.
Conclusion The IAB is a reference tool that will help professional teachers with instruction and lesson planning. Students will be able to use the computer to access useful websites for instruction or to use the Kidpix software to learn. Whether it is do phonics, build vocabulary, or an interactive workbook, it will create an atmosphere to listen, read and learn. It will enhance learning in the classroom, and make instruction time and research streamlined. Children will enjoy and benefit from the incredible amount of fun things that are stored at these sites.
OCR Document Scan Lorraine Mullings A5aResearch Report Draft com/jumpstartworld Product Catalog Knowledge Adventure can help you address the requirements of NCLB by providing affordable, research-based products that meet state and national standards and support achievement in reading and math. Grade Based Reading Math Science and Social Studies Writing Arts & Languages Keyboarding ;1 SCHOLAST1C;0] 3. corn/browse/article isp ?id The third websites that made it to the top 5 is Scholastic Administrators. It offers academic enrichment to students. It focuses in on a child’s ability to read, and how to improve it. The magazine, offers useful links for parents, teachers, and librarians so that they may purchase useful materials to use at home, in the classroom or at the school’s library. They also offer tech tools for learning, such as, leapfrog products. For the month of October they are spotlighting literacy and reading. They offer a teacher’s newsletter, which you and check at your leisure. Prepared 10/9/2007 Page 12 of 18
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Additional Resources The following are links to additional resources available at my site and our school server (flashdrive). IAB 20 website evaluation sheet which can be found on my homepage at the above internet address E:\MullingsLorraineA4AIAB.doc (Internet Address book) E:\MullingsLorraineA4AIAB.doc E:\MullingsLorraineA4BIAB.doc (Research Excerpts file) can also be found on my website at my home page. It contains graphics or a jest of what you can expect to see at the websites. E:\MullingsLorraineA4BIAB.doc