Research Crete-Monee Middle School 8 th Grade Writing
Who does research? Who researches on a regular basis? – Scientists – Medical Doctors – Businessmen – Politicians – Educators – Lawyers – Entertainers – Athletes BEING ABLE TO RESEARCH IS AN ESSENTIAL SKILL FOR SUCCESS IN ANY CAREER!
What is research? Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions. (1) In other words: Analyze data about a topic from different sources to come to a conclusion or form an idea about your topic.
How do I begin? To research, you must first ask a question. First ask a “BIG” question (one that has many ways it can be answered): What happened during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941? Next, ask questions with smaller focus: Where is Pearl Harbor? Who was there? What were the major events of the attack?
Now what? Go find sources of information to answer your question! A source is a place where information can be obtained. Sources include: Books Newspaper and Magazine Articles Websites Audio and Video Recordings Interviewing eye-witnesses Anything directly related to your topic
What makes a source worth using? All sources are not equal ! Some sources of information are not considered accurate! Where/Who the information comes from is just as important as what the source is! To determine if a source is worth using, ask questions like: Does the author of my source have any credentials that prove they are worth listening to? Does the author have anything to gain from me using their information? Is the information from a widely-accepted source? Is the information current?
How credible is that website?.com---commercial (selling you something) LEAST TRUSTWORTHY Yes, you may get a service from them like keeping up with your friends on facebook, but the website owners make money because you view the advertisements on their websites. Websites ending are not “bad” websites; they are just bad for Formed to give information, but they may be biased—trying to convince you of something. These are better sources but check for trustworthiness!.edu---higher education Usually good, but even college students can be Usually the best information, loads of government documents and primary source material.
Primary and Secondary Sources Primary sources are eye-witnesses of the event or evidence of what you are researching. ▫Example: World War Two: Pearl Harbor A soldier who fought at Pearl Harbor… is a primary resource A newspaper from December 8 th, 1941 retelling the attack… is not a primary source Your grandpa who sold newspapers in Chicago… might be a primary resource (depending on what you’re talking about) Secondary sources are everything else that discusses an answer to your question
Taking Notes To use your sources, you have to read them! Typically, you don’t have time to read everything. What should you do? Use the Index! Read the Table of Contents! Scan for key-words! Read sections separated by Headings! Take notes! Copy down, word for word, important quotes Make sure you CITE YOUR SOURCES!
Citation When you’re using other people’s information, you have to CITE YOUR FACTS! Citation is formally declaring where you found your information. Not using citations is called PLAGIARISM. ▫Plagiarism is illegal. You can be sued for plagiarism, as it is considered a violation of copyright law.
How do I cite my sources? After copying down the information, do the following: Record the author’s name Record the date of the publication Record the page number, if there is one Record the volume number (for magazines, encyclopedias, etc), if there is one Record the URL (website address), if there is one Record the publishing company
Sample Note Card Subtopic word Geographical features (subtopic) The southern part is very mountainous, with the highest peak reaching to 14,000 feet. Therefore, it is also the least populated area. #4(source) Write one main idea only for each note card
Citing in my writing… When presenting the results of your research (the answers to your questions), you need to cite your sources in your writing or speech! Quote: “The Japanese had crippled the fleet, but left the Navy Base’s immense oil reserves untouched, making it possible to ramp up the shipyard for 24-hour duty.” Citation: Downes, Lawrence. “How a War Was Won and a City Vanished at Pearl Harbor.” The New York Times. December 7 th, _r=1&ref=pearlharbor
Examples, continued How do I use my information correctly in speech and writing? Name dropping: Write or say: “According to the New York Times, on December 8 th, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor was “ferocious and sudden.”” Referring the reader to your bibliography Write: “The attack on Pearl Harbor was ferocious and sudden (New York Times, Dec. 8 th, 1941).”