Annotated Bibliography November 18: you need an academic journal article Global Issue Profile essay November 14: You need an article from a database What are these and how do I find them?
Articles written by experts in a field for other experts in that field
Simple titles, “Education in Kenya” Written for the general public Lots of organizations trying to help Some good websites, but not a lot of actual scientific research studies
Domain-specific vocab in the titles, “Efficiency of primary education in Kenya: Situational analysis…” Written for other experts Includes journal it came from, and year Includes how many times cited by others
A collection of magazines, newspapers, academic journals, and other resources available online with a subscription.
Visit Click the ProQuest icon Username: ihsproquest Password: irvingt0n If you share with non-Irvington students, we will lose our access! Vikings Only!
SIRS is focused on social issues and is good for WIP, but does NOT give a way to sort out academic journals… So it’s harder to use! If you find an article in SIRS you think is an academic journal, you should Google the name of the journal to find out if it’s a journal or a magazine
Visit Under the “Research” tab… Click “A-Z Resources”
See link at
Then, break your search terms into the different boxes linked by the boolean operator AND…this allows you to make the database search for pages with all those words.
You can change the Boolean operator to “OR” if you have two synonyms, like “global warming” OR “climate change.” So a search for “China” AND “global warming” OR “climate change” would be really effective!
In EBSCO, to limit to Academic Journals, you have to choose “Peer Reviewed”:
A database on the aclibrary “A-Z Resources” list called “Opposing Viewpoints” It has a section for academic journals… …and it’s all about social issues
Use KEYWORDS, NOT whole sentences, and try many different keywords within your topic: Gender inequality in Saudi Arabia Women’s rights Saudi Arabia Wage gap Saudi Arabia Education girls Saudi Arabia Violence against women Saudi Arabia Women civil rights Saudi Arabia Women legal rights Saudi Arabia
Langhamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): ProQuest. Web. 27 Oct Note the volume and issue number (blue in example) Dates for academic journals will be in parentheses Database name (ProQuest in this example) is in italics At IHS, you must add the URL! This is at the top of the database screen when you’re in your article This example is from Purdue OWL. Citations given in the database can help, but CHECK the format, esp. caps and punctuation.