Prepare Do your research Ask around: Start with the people who really run the school Use websites: schools, AAA, national clubs, etc… and Facebook if you must, but only for Fact Finding questions—establish a policy on this Valid, reliable information is what you’re seeking
Prepare Jot down questions as they come to mind… Types of Questions: Fact Finding: Basic Info, 5 W’s and H In-depth: Use good key words—discuss, explain, tell Follow Ups: Verifying info, double check spellings
Prepare Identify your sources (5): credibility, reliability Primary Source: Gather majority of information here, best source of direct quotes Secondary Sources: Provide extras, solid direct and indirect quotes and information Off The Record Sources: Simply FYI, no publishing
Perform Schedule your interviews Quick Tips -Be prepared: have your questions in hand -Students don’t like to be interviewed in front of a group: pull them into the hallway -Coaches prefer to be interviewed in front of an audience: don’t accommodate them. -Adults don’t like gum, ratty clothing, or cell phones
Perform Know how to BEHAVE during the interview -DON’T ask to borrow a pen…be prepared -DON’T look around or at your watch -DON’T tap your pencil or fiddle with the DVR -DO make eye contact -DO take notes, even if you have a DVR -DO smile and nod
Perform Take detailed notes: Direct Quotes are vital Sourcing references in the story validate your credibility Indirect quotes and paraphrases can only be documented using information gathered from specific questioning/note taking
Perform Ask questions in an easy to hard order—establishes rapport and puts the interviewee at ease Last questions you should ask… 1) Is there anything you would like to add? 2) 2) May I contact you again if necessary? Thank them for their time—be genuine
Produce Translate your notes as quickly as possible Print all ed or Facebooked info Verify sensitive information or critical facts with at least two sources Double check titles and spelling of names—don’t be afraid to ask
Produce Citing sources within the story: “Direct quote here,” principal Allen Loibner said. According to principal Allen Loibner the stadium… In his address to the school board, principal Allen Loibner stated an addition to the campus “is not feasible at this time”…