MT 340 Unit #7 Seminar Dr. Donald Wilson Agenda: Unit #7 Organization Culture Unit #8 HR Practices & Diversity Unit #8 Compiled Final Project Unit #9 The Dynamics of Change Unit #10 Writing Assignment Final Project Comments – PPP Slides Unit 9 1
Unit #7 Organizational Culture How do you define Organizational Culture? – System of shared meanings, values, expected behaviors Components of an Organizational Culture – Innovation and Risk taking – Attention to detail – Outcome vs. People vs. Team Orientation – Aggressiveness & competitive vs. easy going – Stability vs. growth Impact of Culture on Individual Performance – Sets norms, influences attitudes; individual performance Impact of Culture on Organizational Performance – Resist change or commitment to change How do employee learn about the Organization’s culture? – Stories; rituals; material symbols; language; managerial actions 2
Unit #7 Continued Included in Unit #8 Project Project – Describe the organization’s culture and components – How do the organization members learn the culture? – Is the culture generally positive or negative? – What effect does the culture have on organizational goals? – What are your recommendations for the culture? 3
Unit #8 Human Resource Practices & Diversity Overview of Human Resource Practices – Manpower Planning – Determining the # and quality of employees needed – Recruiting, Screening and Selection – Orientation and Training – Performance Management-Appriasals – Compensation Management – Reward System – Labor and Employee Relations 4
Unit #8 Selection Recruiting Methods and Sources – Internal – Promotion from Within – External – Ads; Internet; Agencies;Schools Screening and Selection Methods – Application forms and Resumes – Interviews: Preliminary/screening;phone;personal – Tests: Written; Perfomance-Simulation;Auditions – Back ground checks – Physical exams; drug screening – KEY POINT IS TO MINIMIZE RISK IN HIRING 5
UNIT #8 Performance Management Performance Appraisal and Motivation – People need to know how to improve What do we evaluate? – Individual task outcomes, behaviors, traits, attitudes Who should do the evaluating? – Immediate supervisor, peers, self-evaluation;direct reports Performance Appraisal Methods – Written tests; critical incidents; graphic rating scales Suggestions for Improving Performance Appraisals – Emphasize behavior rather than traits – Document Performance Behaviors – Use multiple evaluators – Train Evaluators – Due Process - Feedback 6
Unit 8 Project Continued Impact of HR practices on your organization’s employee attitudes and behavior? Describe the Performance Evaluation Process used in your selected organization. What recommendations would you suggest for improving the PA process? What could your organization do to promote diversity? And how would this improve overall organization effectiveness? 7
Unit #9 The Dynamics of Change What changes in Organizations? – Structure – People - Technology - Processes Why do managers often miss the need for change? – Too focused on the present – lack of planning Why do people resist change? – Habits – Security – Economic – Fear – Selective Listening – Loss of relations, status, power Sources of “conflict” in change management Techniques for implementing change – Communications – Participation-Support-Rewards 8
UNIT 9 PPP on Compiled Final Project Note – At end of Unit #9 you will prepare and submit a PPP (12-16 slides) summary of the key points discussed in Projects for Units 2 through 8 and submitted in Compiled Projects at end of Units 2, 4 and 8. Provide your “consultants” analysis of the organization’s dynamics including such “things” as group and team behaviors, leadership, sources of conflict and how the people handled conflict, HR practices that impact performances and role of organizational culture in influencing individual and group behaviors. Provide a list of recommendations for 1) improving the organization or 2) maintaining the status quo and be sure to support your recommendations with research references and specific citations using the assigned reading materials as your frame of reference. Personal opinion comments do not carry much weight in this assignment. 9
Unit 10 Writing Assignment Unit #10 Writing Assignment is described in Unit #9 as follows: – A self reflection one page response to the below questions: Reflect and describe which key concepts and topics in this course made you a stronger candidate to enter the business world. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development and as a student as well as encouraging you on your academic path. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE SUNDAY Unit 10(not Tuesday), midnight ET!! 10
Wrap Up Notes 3 rd Component of Compiled Final Project due at end of Unit #8 PPP on Final Project due at end of Unit #9. No late Projects accepted after end of Unit #9 Remember that Unit #10 has a Reflection Writing Assignment that will be due midnight ET, Sunday, Unit 10!! Thanks for your efforts this Term and for coming tonight Good luck in finishing the remaining assignments….and in your future KU course work! Any last thoughts, comments, questions, or concerns? 11