Key Issue 9.1
What to do: Get out stuff for notes. Today's title: "Why does development vary among countries?" On a separate piece of paper, evaluate your efforts on the project. If you had a partner, evaluate theirs as well. Be honest about both.
Let's review Define the following: Crude birth rate Crude death rate Rate of natural increase Fertility rate Draw out the Demographic Transition Model
Development Process of improving the material conditions of people More Developed Countries (MDC) Less Developed Countries (LDC)
Human Development Index Measures level of development Higher ranking = better What three factors do they use to measure?
Standard of living How well people can meet their needs Gross national income (GNI)-value of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including imports and exports Purchasing power parity (PPP)-GNI adjusted for cost of goods Gross Domestic Product (GDP)-GNI minus imports and exports
Economic activities Primary-direct interaction with environment Ex? Secondary-manufacturing Ex? Tertiary-provision of goods and services Ex? How does the percentage of ppl in each sector of your country affect development? Why would ppl in MDC's be more "productive" than those in LDC?
Consumer goods What do ppl spend their money on in different levels of dev? Diffusion goes MDC to LDC & urban to rural Commonalities: Motor vehicles-helps ppl and things move Telephones-connections Computers-info What would life & work & school be like without any computer technology at all?
Nutrition & Medical HDI measures life expectancy MDC avg=80 so more old ppl LDC avg=68 poor medical practices usually b/c of lack of education or $$
Education Why is there such an emphasis on education? Years of schooling-more years means more time to learn How will this vary from LDC & MDC? Pupil/teacher ratio Do you think it matters? Literacy rate-read & write 15 yrs old and older Why does this matter? How does this affect info published & novels? Imagine if you were a LDC w/limited do you fix education?
Variations Variations within regions Middle East/SW Asia East Asia Variations within countries China Mexico